Click here and decide for yourself.
And if you are reading Obie, we know you fancy yourself as being quite hip, so here is a special song for you.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
It's Official: The Chinese Government is Nucking Futs.
Yep...the government that runs over their own people in Tienanmen Square with tanks think it is time to lecture Americans about human rights. Does anyone reading this realize just how bat shit crazy these people who have a history of murdering millions of their own people really are? Not to mention that they are one of the world's largest arms dealers. Maybe they are pissed because 'Slick Willie' banned the import of Norinco Ak's back in the nineties.
China condemns U.S. gun ownership as human rights violation
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Don't You Just Love a Story Where Justice Prevails?
A really great story from the range today...
Gun Shy went to the range today to put some AK’s through
their paces, which is something I do a few times a year just to stay in touch
with them. I was in the clubhouse chatting with the guys, when another fella rolled
in who also came to shoot AK’s. He was a disabled Vietnam Vet, so he had to utilize a wheel chair in order to
get around most of the time. We started chatting about AK’s and other weapons
related topics, and then we got on the subject of disrespectful punks and the disregard they have for others. It turns out, that this man enjoyed going to a
certain mall for morning coffee which has been known in the past to have some
problems due to the spillover from an adjoining bad area. Anyhow, as he was proceeding to get out of his vehicle into his wheel chair, two thugs armed with
knives rolled up on him and demanded his money. To their surprise, he drew his
concealed weapon, and then went on to inform them at gun point that he already
had a substantial number of confirmed kills, so adding two more to the list
really didn’t matter to him in the least. He then asked them which one wanted
to die for his buddy as they stood there frozen like two terrified deer in the
headlights ready to soil themselves. When they didn't answer, he then commanded them to assume the position on the pavement while
he summoned Law Enforcement. When they arrived, they thanked him, and told him they
had been looking for these two pieces of loser excrement with a list of priors
for quite a while. Guns Shy wonders if these two turds will be telling their new friends in prison how someone's grandpa flipped the script and owned their punk asses.
Don’t you all just love a story with a happy ending?
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Nancy Pelosi Hires Former Terrorist Fundraiser
You can read the article by the above title if you click here. So tell me again why so many liberal Jews vote Democratic?
What’s Next…Welding the Barrel Shut?
The bottom line, is they just want to eliminate all weapons
in the hands of citizens.
Now That They Have Banned All Guns Chicago is 'safe'...
...just like out borders are 'secure'.
Welcome to Obama and Rahm's anti gun Utopian nightmare. Gun Shy wonders what letter score they have on the Brady Bunch scorecard:
Welcome to Obama and Rahm's anti gun Utopian nightmare. Gun Shy wonders what letter score they have on the Brady Bunch scorecard:
25 shot overnight in Chicago - Separate shootings throughout the city
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Biden Tells West Point Cadets to Prepare for New Threats??
Biden tells West Point cadets: prepare for new threats
The thing that Biden failed to tell the cadets, is that HE and his pal in the white house are the biggest threat to OPSEC and their personal security, as well as the security of all Americans, because he and his pals can't keep their lips from flapping when it comes to giving up details of an operation to the press. An example of this is when he outed SEAL Team Six after the Bin Laden raid. They named a railroad station after him in Delaware, but maybe they should have named a sinking ship after him, because that is what his loose lips will end up causing.
More on Joe 'freakin' Biden here.
The thing that Biden failed to tell the cadets, is that HE and his pal in the white house are the biggest threat to OPSEC and their personal security, as well as the security of all Americans, because he and his pals can't keep their lips from flapping when it comes to giving up details of an operation to the press. An example of this is when he outed SEAL Team Six after the Bin Laden raid. They named a railroad station after him in Delaware, but maybe they should have named a sinking ship after him, because that is what his loose lips will end up causing.
More on Joe 'freakin' Biden here.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The TSA: Always Classy…Incident # ????
I-Team: Priest Removed From Ministry Due To Sex Abuse Allegations Now Works At PHL
– The CBS 3 I-Team has learned that a Catholic priest who was removed from
the ministry over sex abuse allegations now holds a sensitive security post at Philadelphia
International Airport . The security checkpoint between Terminals D and E is a busy place where
thousands of people – including lots of kids – pass through every day. But you
might not believe who the I-Team observed working as a TSA
supervisor at that checkpoint this week: Thomas Harkins.Until 2002, Harkins was a Catholic priest working at churches across South
Jersey . But the Diocese of Camden removed him from ministry
because it found he sexually abused two young girls. Now, in a new lawsuit, a
third woman is claiming she also is one of Harkins’ victims. The I-Team asked Harkins about the suit as he was leaving his shift at the
“I have nothing to say,” was Harkins’ reply.
“I have nothing to say,” was Harkins’ reply.
US Military & International Troops Conduct Urban War Drills and Mock Terrorist Attack in Tampa
They’re here...
Yesterday in Tampa , the public
watched as CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircrafts, Chinook helicopters, Zodiac
boats, and ground-mobility vehicles conducted military drills in preparation
for the Republican National Convention in August. The urban training drills included an assault by land, sea and air which
simulated a mock terrorist attack on the streets of Tampa .
The Special forces included international troops from around the world with
countries like; Australia ,
Brazil , Canada ,
Colombia , Jordan ,
Norway , Poland ,
Thailand and
the United Arab Emirates
all playing a role in the drill.
Remember the Zetas. Yeah, they were trained by America. Then they went rogue. How many of the above players have the potential to do the same is Gun Shy's question.
You can read the story by the above title if you click here.
Remember the Zetas. Yeah, they were trained by America. Then they went rogue. How many of the above players have the potential to do the same is Gun Shy's question.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
OPSEC Goes Out the Window...Again
First, we have Joe 'loose lips' Biden flapping his yap and outing SEAL Team Six, and now this:
Judicial Watch Obtains DOD and CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Raid Filmmakers
What a gutsy stupid politically motivated call that was.
Oh yeah...and then there was this guy that they threw to the dogs.
Oh yeah...and then there was this guy that they threw to the dogs.
Why is This Story About 'slick willie' News??
When he was 'the philander in chief' he clearly established who he was. Not sure why this would surprise anyone.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
And No One Had a Gun to Defend Themselves…
Because after all, this is Obie
Town where possession of firearms
for law abiding citizens is verboten.
Suspects wielding hammers and batons attack diners at Tinley Park restaurant
As per usual, the mainstream media didn’t report the WHOLE story, so here
is more:
Anti-Racist Action Group Beats Local Restaurant Patrons
It appears that one group had a beef with another group, but
a bunch of innocent bystanders got pummeled as well. While Obama and friends were enjoying close security and military flyovers, the commoners aka little people were getting beat up with no protection. This is typical of this administrations let them eat cake attitude.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The TSA Needs to Get Out of Our Pants
Some people I know were recently told they were not allowed to opt out, and were also told they had to go through the nudie scanner or they would have to miss their flight. In Gun Shy's opinion the TSA has become nothing more than a rogue agency, that will do whatever it needs to make Americans submit to their wishes. In the final evaluation, the TSA is nothing more than expensive security theater, with their useless mega million dollar scanners paid for by the taxpayers whose Constitutional rights they are abusing with this junk. Check out the link below, and find out what one man is doing to take the bloated ineffective TSA to task.
TSA Out of Our Pants
TSA Out of Our Pants
Florida Needs to Get 'Up to Speed' When it Comes to Open Carry
Florida once had open carry, until Janet 'Waco' Reno decided to outlaw it in 1987. It is time to follow the path of Oklahoma, and erase the error of Reno's decision.
Oklahoma Governor Signs Open-Carry Into Law
Oklahoma Governor Signs Open-Carry Into Law
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Finally...Some Facts on the Zimmerman Case
The mainstream media has done a pathetic job reporting on this case. Click here for some new information.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Reviewing the Resumes of the People Who 'keep you safe'
As Gun Shy has questioned in numerous earlier commentaries, what are the qualifications for the people in charge of keeping America 'safe'?
Senior Homeland Security staffers have no law enforcement experience
President Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, Janet Napolitano, has presided over the hiring of at least four senior staffers and advisers who have no law enforcement experience but align politically with the president.
Senior Homeland Security staffers have no law enforcement experience
President Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, Janet Napolitano, has presided over the hiring of at least four senior staffers and advisers who have no law enforcement experience but align politically with the president.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Trial by 'mainstream media'...
That's right...the mainstream media has turned this shooting into such a circus, that everyone wants to get into the act during this election year. I wonder when they are going to charge those involved with the gunwalker debacle with a hate crime. These agencies can't enforce the law if they are breaking the law.
FBI may charge George Zimmerman with hate crime
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Lawmakers Stay Largely Silent Over Chinese Takeover of US Bank Branches
What's next? The auto industry and insurance companies? Click here to read the commentary by the above title.
U.S. lawmakers have been unusually silent about federal regulators' decision to allow a Chinese bank to take over 13 bank branches in New York and California, suggesting that they think American banks have much to gain. Members of both parties usually relish the chance to bash China on everything from government subsidies to the yuan's exchange rate. Yet Wednesday's decision by the Federal Reserve to certify a Chinese bank acquisition for the first time was met by near-universal silence.
U.S. lawmakers have been unusually silent about federal regulators' decision to allow a Chinese bank to take over 13 bank branches in New York and California, suggesting that they think American banks have much to gain. Members of both parties usually relish the chance to bash China on everything from government subsidies to the yuan's exchange rate. Yet Wednesday's decision by the Federal Reserve to certify a Chinese bank acquisition for the first time was met by near-universal silence.
This Video May Be of Interest to the Readers
Let Gun Shy state for the record, that at this point I am not backing any of the candidates, but would probably take anyone except the guy currently occupying the white house. Click here to watch the video.
Welcome to New York City's 'pre crime' Division
New York police frisk more people despite criticism
Nine in ten stops resulted in no further police
action. An arrest was made in five percent of the stops, and a summons
was issued in another five percent of cases, down slightly from 2011,
police said.
So Bloomberg's premise is based on the notion, that if you violate enough people's Constitutional rights, eventually you will find someone who is breaking the law, and then you can arrest them. What a putz.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Gun Shy Thinks It's Time For Sheriff Joe to do a Gunwalker Investigation
Justice Dept. accuses Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio of racial profiling
Sheriff Joe Apaio investigated the validity of Obama's birth certificate and other documents, and this is what he gets. Maybe as a return gift to Eric Holder, it is time to open his own gunwalker investigation, since many of the guns were walked from Joe's state of Arizona into Mexico. Holder's retaliatory actions are not surprising, seeing as how he cut his teeth during the Bill Clinton administration.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Obama Threatens to Veto DOJ Budget Because it Blocks Fast and Furious Gun Control Law
Click here to read the commentary by the above title.
Some other reading of interest:
Some other reading of interest:
Gowdy to DOJ: Won’t give us ‘Fast and Furious’ docs? We’re docking your pay!
Sewing the Seeds of Fear
The bottom line, is that in the end, Al Qaeda is nothing more than a stain in the ass of humanity. As long as there is fear, the powers to be can keep throwing money at the 'problem'.
Al Qaeda Bombmaker Designs Bombs to Hide in Cameras, Hard Drives and Pets
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Military Exercises Preparing for Something?
Military exercises have been going on in various parts of America. Click here to watch the latest video.
Don't Think For a Moment That America is Immune
Nigel Farage is back to sound the alarm.
Here is some not so good news for America:
Here is some not so good news for America:
Fed clears China's first US bank takeover
In the End it is All a Corrupt 'shell game' (voting)
Click here to watch the video, and then you will understand why there is an urgent need to flush all the current political 'turds' downstream and get some people in key positions with integrity if America is going to move forward.
Florida Nabs White Supremacists Planning "race war"
Florida nabs white supremacists planning "race war"
A sensational headline? Yes it is, but after the arrest of 'militia' members in Michigan, and then their release due to lack of evidence to convict, Gun Shy will wait to see what transpires before commenting on this situation. It should be noted, that as of yet, the same FBI who made this arrest under the leadership of Eric 'gunwalker' Holder, has made no arrests after there was a bounty put on George Zimmerman's head, and then subsequent threats issued to 'kill some crackers' and start a race war by the New Black Panther Party. The racial hypocrisy is deafening.
Two Can Play This Game (stand your ground)
House to vote on Trayvon amendment
House Democrats said Tuesday they will offer an amendment to push to
overturn stand-your-ground self-defense laws in states like Florida. The
amendment, which would withhold some grants from states that have such
laws, will come as part of the House's debate on the Commerce Department
spending bill.
Every aspect of this case has been biased for political gain. There has been no trial or review of evidence to see if George Zimmerman did shoot in self defense, but he has already been found guilty by politicians. Gun Shy believes that Florida should withhold sending money to D.C. until they come clean on the gunwalker situation where thousands of guns were put into the hands of narco terrorist by government agencies from D.C, and many innocent people died because of this negligent action, which now appears to be tied to creating an intentional scenario where the powers to be could enact more anti gun legislation..
Every aspect of this case has been biased for political gain. There has been no trial or review of evidence to see if George Zimmerman did shoot in self defense, but he has already been found guilty by politicians. Gun Shy believes that Florida should withhold sending money to D.C. until they come clean on the gunwalker situation where thousands of guns were put into the hands of narco terrorist by government agencies from D.C, and many innocent people died because of this negligent action, which now appears to be tied to creating an intentional scenario where the powers to be could enact more anti gun legislation..
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Who Killed Bin Laden? A Marine's Answer
Sent by a reader:
Obama just happened to be the one in office when theCIA
finally found the guy. And our sailors took him out. Essentially, Obama only
gave an answer, Yes or No, to him being taken out. This is NOT an Obama
victory, but an AMERICAN victory! "
"Let's be clear on this:
OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American sailor, who Obama, just a few weeks
before, was debating on whether or not to PAY, did! In fact, if you remember a
little less than two years ago, his administration actually charged and attempted
to court-martial three Navy Seals from Seal Team Six, when a terrorist suspect
they captured, complained they had punched him during the take-down and
bloodied his nose. Obama's administration further commented how brutal they
were. The left were calling them Nazi's and Baby Killers. Now all of a sudden,
the very brave men they vilified are now heroes when they make his
administration look good in the eyes of the public.
Obama just happened to be the one in office when the
Ed Schreiber Col. US MC (Ret.)
"Semper Fi"
2008: "Navy Seal Team 6 is
Cheney's private assassination team."
2011: "I put together Seal
Team 6 to take out Bin Laden."
2008: "Bin Laden is innocent
until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial."
2011: "I authorized Seal Team
6 to kill Bin Laden."
2008: "Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be
2011: "Vital intelligence was obtained fromGuantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden."
2011: "Vital intelligence was obtained from
2011: "I authorized Seal Team
6 to kill Bin Laden."
Sunday, May 6, 2012
But...Didn't Obie and Janet Say Our Borders Were Secure???
Those two along with Holder are so freakin' out of touch with reality.
Mexican Drug Cartel Activity on the
Mexican Drug Cartel Activity on the US Southern Border
More Chaos From the 'Right Wing' Terrorists
wait...did Gun Shy say 'right wing'? Sorry...I meant to say LEFT WING.
Bridge-bomb suspect signed Occupy lease - 'If this gets into the media, it would be a disaster'
(Cleveland Plain Dealer) One of the five self-described anarchists
arrested last week for attempting to blow up a local bridge signed the
lease for a West Side warehouse where about a dozen members of the
Occupy Cleveland group live. In a one-hour recording of a Friday evening general assembly meeting
of the group posted on its website, occupy leaders expressed concern
about Anthony Hayne’s name being on the lease, which strengthens his
link to the group.“We have a person facing terrorism charges on the lease of our
warehouse,” said one of the leaders. “If this gets into the media, it
would be a disaster.”
This just demonstrates how out of touch Janet N was with her 'right wing extremist' fear mongering . They even arrested a bunch of militia types to prove their point, and then had to let them go. Now THIS is a REAL smoking gun. If the readers have been following the occupy movement, it is evident that it is filled with smoking guns.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Don’t Worry…Bloomberg’s Highly Trained Force Will Protect You in NYC
Two NYPD Cops Fire 84 Rounds at Murder Suspect
NYPD Sgt. Alexander Mesa fired 39 shots, and Officer Joseph Robinson got off 45 rounds.Murray was hit 14 times,
and refused to drop his weapon, reports the New York Daily News.
Gun Shy can't help but wonder where the other 70 rounds landed. The suspect is alive and in custody.
NYPD Sgt. Alexander Mesa fired 39 shots, and Officer Joseph Robinson got off 45 rounds.
Gun Shy can't help but wonder where the other 70 rounds landed. The suspect is alive and in custody.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Check Out What is Going on in the ‘gun free paradise’ of Chicago
More desensitizing the sheep:
Do Americans really need the TSA
to ‘keep them safe’? Thus far, they
haven’t foiled any major terrorist attacks, while large amounts of taxpayer
dollars have gone to support them. Government agencies for the longest time
have been selling fear, and Americans have purchased it with their freedoms.
Americans need to stop selling their Constitutional rights in return for a
false sense of security, and take responsibility for their own safety. Gun Shy
believes that if all law abiding Americans were allowed to carry a firearm
everywhere, that the TSA would be out of a
job, and the terrorists would be out of luck. Maybe the new slogan for the CSA
or 'citizens security agency’ could be “If you see something…shoot something’.
Is TSA's 'mission creep' Making the US a Police State?
The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state - The out-of-control Transportation Security Administration is past patdowns at airports – now it's checkpoints and roadblocks
But now TSA
is invading travel by other means, too. No surprise, really: as soon as she
established groping in airports, Napolitano expressed her desire to expand TSA
jurisdiction over all forms of mass transit. In the past year, TSA's snakelike
VIPR (Visual Intermodal Prevention and Response) teams have been slithering
into more and more bus and train stations – and even running checkpoints on
highways – never in response to actual threats, but apparently more in an
attempt to live up to the inspirational
motto displayed at the TSA's air marshal training center since the agency's
inception: "Dominate. Intimidate. Control."
How interesting. If you take the first letters of the three
words in the motto, you come up with the acronym ‘DIC’ (dick). Just sayin...
Did Micky O Really Say That???
Because if she did, she insulted every American who fought, bled, and died for our flag. Click here to watch the video and decide for yourself.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Guns Used in Mexico Lawyer's Murder Traced to Operation Fast and Furious
Guns Used in Mexico Lawyer's Murder Traced to Operation Fast and Furious
Firearms connected to Operation Fast and Furious were used in the 2010 slaying of the brother of the former Chihuahua state attorney general, according to aU.S.
congressional report.
The report said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced two of the weapons suspected in the murder of lawyer Mario González Rodríguez, but did not report this fact to the Mexican government until eight months after the tracing.
Federal police present five suspects, arrested in
connection with the slaying of Mario Gonzalez, the brother of a former Mexican
state attorney general, to the press in Mexico City, Friday Nov. 5, 2010. Eight
members of a drug cartel were arrested in the torture and slaying of the
brother of former Mexican state attorney general Patricia Gonzalez, according
to federal police.
Firearms connected to Operation Fast and Furious were used in the 2010 slaying of the brother of the former Chihuahua state attorney general, according to a
The report said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced two of the weapons suspected in the murder of lawyer Mario González Rodríguez, but did not report this fact to the Mexican government until eight months after the tracing.
Florida's Rick Scott Gets It
Florida governor rejects gun ban for Republican convention
Did the readers notice that Reuters, a European news agency stated that Florida has the most 'lenient' gun laws in America? Actually, truth be known, Florida has the most 'Constitutional' gun laws in America and New York city aka Bloombergistan or 'gun free paradise' has the most anti-constitutional gun laws in America. Maybe Tampa's democratic mayor would be happier in the 'gun free paradise' of Illinois, from which he hails.
Gun Shy can almost hear the sound of Bloomberg and friends ringing their hands over this one. I am sure their group of whiners will make an appearance here in Florida.
Tallahassee, Florida (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick
Scott has shot down a request by Tampa's mayor to allow local
authorities to ban guns from the city's downtown during the Republican
National Convention in August. Citing Second Amendment protections in the U.S.
Constitution, Scott told Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn that conventions and
guns have co-existed since the nation's birth and would continue to do
so during the four-day event beginning August 27. "It is unclear how disarming law abiding citizens would
better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who
would flout the law," the Republican governor said in a letter on
Tuesday. Local officials need
Scott's permission to enact the temporary restrictions after state
lawmakers last year passed a measure that prohibits local governments
from adopting gun ordinances that are stricter than state law. Florida has some of the most lenient gun laws in the
United States and by some counts leads the nation in gun ownership, with
about 6.5 percent of all adults licensed to carry a concealed weapon,
state records show. New applications for concealed gun permits have quadrupled since 1998.
Did the readers notice that Reuters, a European news agency stated that Florida has the most 'lenient' gun laws in America? Actually, truth be known, Florida has the most 'Constitutional' gun laws in America and New York city aka Bloombergistan or 'gun free paradise' has the most anti-constitutional gun laws in America. Maybe Tampa's democratic mayor would be happier in the 'gun free paradise' of Illinois, from which he hails.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Smile For the Camera...The Drone Camera That Is
If you click on this link, you will see two 'death to America' jihadis in happier times...that is before they were reverted to their basic carbon particles. While newly initiated jihadis are now uttering murderous threats to America, a new list is being formulated, probably as we speak, so if any of you jihadis are reading, look up...because your redemption draws nigh.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Sharpton and Company...Are You Reading This??
And where is the mainstream media, the people who turned a
person who views himself as Hispanic into a white guy. George Zimmerman who has
a Hispanic mother is viewed by the media as white, but Barack Obama, who has a
white mother, views himself as Black so he is is viewed by the same media as Black. Go figure.
A Beating at Church and Brambleton
A Beating at Church and Brambleton
"I feel for the white man who got beat up at the light," wrote one person. "I don't," wrote another, indicating laughter. "(do it for trayvon martin)" Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen, died after being shot by a community watch captain with white and Hispanic parents, George Zimmerman, in
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