This is a news photo from a surf camp that is held in Pismo Beach California every year. Combat veterans who are wounded in action come to this camp for a little R&R, but also to learn how to surf as part of their rehabilitation. When living in California, I was involved with this camp, and I will tell you that it gave me a sense of duty that words can not express. My father was a combat vet who was wounded in action, and worked through disability daily throughout his life, which gave this an even deeper meaning for me. I touched on this in some of my earlier commentaries found here and here. The above photo is of a young soldier whose wounds received in action led to the amputation of a limb. On his prosthetic you will notice the American flag flying in the breeze, a symbol of the freedom that all Americans enjoy daily because of the sacrifice of young men like these. My only regret, is that I couldn't get to California this year to be a part of this noble endeavor. To all of my brothers and sisters who made this event possible once again, and especially to the heroes who attended the camp, Gun Shy Salutes you.
Click here to see other photos of the camp.
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