Caleb at Gun Nuts almost got mugged by some thug with a knife while leaving work. He gave the assailant a free cup of coffee in the face, and when the thug got his vision clear Caleb showed him his mouse gun, and the asailant ran away. The jokes have started rolling ever since within the gun blogger community. Here is the latest glimpse of boys with overactive imaginations running wild:
Coffee terminal ballistics
Check out the nifty spinoff coffee mugs here and here.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Uncle Jimbo Makes Me Wanna Shout....AGAIN!
Uncle Jimbo is quite the word smith and makes it flow into writing so succinctly. I definitely think he needs to go and write for the MSM and clear the air. Read his diatribe here.
Uncle J's commentary was so good it made me want to put on my DT Boogie Shoes and dance.
Uncle J's commentary was so good it made me want to put on my DT Boogie Shoes and dance.
CAUTION: Hypocrite at Work...
It seems that Mr Obama is not "down" with the school voucher system...a system that would allow inner city kids who want to get a better education to travel to other schools that they can attend by presenting their voucher. As we have seen, Mr Obama is beholding to the union, one of them being the teachers union, so in the end the teachers from schools that perform poorly will still get their tenure and retirement while kids looking for a way out of troubled urban areas will get nothing. Maybe if Mr Obama wants his children to get in touch with the culture of poor black children, he could have then attend some of the D.C. inner city schools and find out first hand why the voucher system is one of merit for those who want a better chance in life. Please read this to find out more.
Obama unhappy with criticism of his NYC date night
That is the title of the article found here.
I guess that Gun Shy could comment on this, but first I think that “Bob” has a very factual look at this “date” in video form here that the readers should watch.
This incident reminds me of stories that I heard from people who grew up in the former Soviet Union. While they were standing on bread lines in a nearly bankrupt society, the political elite were shopping at special places not open to the public buying caviar and champagne and living it up on the backs of the working people. As Americans lose their jobs and their homes, maybe Mr Obama should drop the "hope" and "change" nonsense, and officially change his slogan to "let them eat cake".
I guess that Gun Shy could comment on this, but first I think that “Bob” has a very factual look at this “date” in video form here that the readers should watch.
This incident reminds me of stories that I heard from people who grew up in the former Soviet Union. While they were standing on bread lines in a nearly bankrupt society, the political elite were shopping at special places not open to the public buying caviar and champagne and living it up on the backs of the working people. As Americans lose their jobs and their homes, maybe Mr Obama should drop the "hope" and "change" nonsense, and officially change his slogan to "let them eat cake".
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Little Footage for the Fellas (Marines)
It seems like I have been running into former Marines a lot in the last few weeks. Young guys just getting back from deployment, young guys on their way to the sand box or A-Stan, and a lot of Nam era Marines. I guess this is some sort of sign telling me it is time for a little footage for the fellas, or a Marine-a-polooza if you will. Lets start out with Nam era first. Click here and here.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire...
...nose as long as a telephone wire...
Watch this for the details.
Here is another persons opinion of what is happening.
Hat Tip to Steve-o
Watch this for the details.
Here is another persons opinion of what is happening.
Hat Tip to Steve-o
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pelosi-Land Made Safe Because of Restrictive Gun Laws (wink wink)
Tell that to this young victim:
Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours
Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours
More Good News: Americans Have Spoken Loudly
CNN Drops to Last Place Among Cable News Networks
Newspapers are also losing their share of the market. It isn't because of price increases as some have stated. It is because of truth "decreases". Read this.
Newspapers are also losing their share of the market. It isn't because of price increases as some have stated. It is because of truth "decreases". Read this.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Review of All the "Transparency" That Has Transpired Thus Far
Take a look at the laundry list here.
Don’t bring a knife to a coffee fight
That is the title of a report from Caleb over at Gun Nuts about how his week went. Check it out here, because it gives an interesting perspective of how quickly the balance of power can shift when you are aware and ready to react immediately. Sadly, the thug will probably go on to rob another, because there is no shortage of thugs these days.
What's Wrong With This Headline...
...and what is freakin wrong with America?
Father Arrested For Beating Alleged Molester
DAVIE, Fla. -- Police have jailed the father of a 3-year-old boy who allegedly battered a man his son accused of molestation. Now, 27-year-old Manuel Vega and an alleged accomplice could receive a much stiffer sentence than the man police say they attacked.
Gun Shy wants to know where are the civil libertarian lawyers who take on "social justice" issues and why aren't they defending the dad who beat down the molester and the child who was molested?
Father Arrested For Beating Alleged Molester
DAVIE, Fla. -- Police have jailed the father of a 3-year-old boy who allegedly battered a man his son accused of molestation. Now, 27-year-old Manuel Vega and an alleged accomplice could receive a much stiffer sentence than the man police say they attacked.
Gun Shy wants to know where are the civil libertarian lawyers who take on "social justice" issues and why aren't they defending the dad who beat down the molester and the child who was molested?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Israeli "Oath Keepers"?
Read this and wonder if this is beginning to be a consciousness among all good people who commit to do what is right.
Next Stop America
All one has to do is look at what has gone on in Canada, Australia, and England, to get a picture of what will be an attempt to foist similar things on the American public. They'll have to eliminate the Constitution first, because that is the difference between those counties and us.
The Bootlicker Media?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Uncle Jimbo Makes Gun Shy Wanna Shout!
First, a little video "war college 101" from Professor J here.
Read his latest commentary in its entirety here.
And now, a little musical interlude as a "tribute" to Uncle "J" as well as all of the militarily savvy commentators over at Black Five.
For the record, Gun Shy Salutes Uncle Jimbo and all others who have the guts to "just say it". Gun Shy also salutes all of the Sons and Daughters of America who are currently serving in Afghanistan that unfortunately are caught in a dangerous holding pattern while Mr Obama takes his sweet time to make a decision. The main stream media needs to have their lips surgically removed from Mr Obama's a$$ and start presenting the facts of the matter. Maybe the MSM should hire Uncle Jimbo to clear the air.
Read his latest commentary in its entirety here.
And now, a little musical interlude as a "tribute" to Uncle "J" as well as all of the militarily savvy commentators over at Black Five.
For the record, Gun Shy Salutes Uncle Jimbo and all others who have the guts to "just say it". Gun Shy also salutes all of the Sons and Daughters of America who are currently serving in Afghanistan that unfortunately are caught in a dangerous holding pattern while Mr Obama takes his sweet time to make a decision. The main stream media needs to have their lips surgically removed from Mr Obama's a$$ and start presenting the facts of the matter. Maybe the MSM should hire Uncle Jimbo to clear the air.
How Not to Make Friends and Influence People
Just follow the approach of the "Brady Bunch". Check this out.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Iraqi Demonstration of Gratitude
Americans spill their blood...Americans die on Iraqi soil...and this is how they express their gratitude.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Sensible Gun Registration Program
"Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as Vermont's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register non-gun-owners and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.
Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals.
Vermont's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise".
Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.
Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state - it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation."
Hat Tip to Gun Slinger
"Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as Vermont's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register non-gun-owners and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.
Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals.
Vermont's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise".
Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.
Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state - it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation."
Hat Tip to Gun Slinger
Figures Don't Lie But...
Men who voted McCain saw testosterone drop: study
Men who voted for Republican John McCain in last year's US presidential election saw their testosterone levels fall significantly when they learned he had lost to Barack Obama, a study showed Thursday.
And men and women who voted for Barack Obama watched their IQs drop as they sat and waited for "hope" and "change". Many of them are the same people who believe that acorn is a legitimate organization.
Men who voted for Republican John McCain in last year's US presidential election saw their testosterone levels fall significantly when they learned he had lost to Barack Obama, a study showed Thursday.
And men and women who voted for Barack Obama watched their IQs drop as they sat and waited for "hope" and "change". Many of them are the same people who believe that acorn is a legitimate organization.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Watch For Falling Moral Decisions
Wal-Mart fires employee for chasing thief
According to Ocala police reports, the suspect stole a pack of golf balls from the store. Rutner and two other employees tackled the man outside. Rutner said the suspect pulled out a knife, slash at his face and took off running. Wal-Mart fired Rutner the next day.
The news did a poll about the incident and here are the findings:
Should he have been fired?
Yes- 13%
No - 86%
Not sure - 0%
If any Walmart management is reading Gun Shy would like to express my opinion. First of all, it appears that your prices are no longer as “low” as they used to be, and secondly you rarely have any ammo on the shelves any more. Why should I even go to your stores after seeing how you treated this employee that Gun Shy thought should receive a reward and combat / hazard pay as well for his noble actions.
According to Ocala police reports, the suspect stole a pack of golf balls from the store. Rutner and two other employees tackled the man outside. Rutner said the suspect pulled out a knife, slash at his face and took off running. Wal-Mart fired Rutner the next day.
The news did a poll about the incident and here are the findings:
Should he have been fired?
Yes- 13%
No - 86%
Not sure - 0%
If any Walmart management is reading Gun Shy would like to express my opinion. First of all, it appears that your prices are no longer as “low” as they used to be, and secondly you rarely have any ammo on the shelves any more. Why should I even go to your stores after seeing how you treated this employee that Gun Shy thought should receive a reward and combat / hazard pay as well for his noble actions.
More Tender Crushed Nuts For ACORN
Watch the video here. It appears that they not have to mute the voices of the ACORN people due to a lawsuit that is pending, but as you watch the video and the time spent with them, you can figure out what transpired quite easily.
Time to Get Out the "Goblin Gun"
Armed Robbery Spree Terrorizes Victims
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Deputies say two men, one wearing a demon-like Halloween mask, terrorized as many as six victims during a violent robbery spree that started in Apopka and ended in east Orange County. One man was taken into custody, accused of at least five armed robberies that stretched from Apopka to the University of Central Florida area. When police finally caught up with the suspects they found one of the men dead.
See, that is the problem. Because the first victim was not armed and able to “contain” the thugs, he tried to run and the cowardly thieves shot him in the back, and then they went on to terrorize many more victims. Too bad someone wasn’t carrying their “goblin gun”. People need to decide today if they are going to be victims or victors, because as this economy hits bottom, this will become a common event.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Deputies say two men, one wearing a demon-like Halloween mask, terrorized as many as six victims during a violent robbery spree that started in Apopka and ended in east Orange County. One man was taken into custody, accused of at least five armed robberies that stretched from Apopka to the University of Central Florida area. When police finally caught up with the suspects they found one of the men dead.
See, that is the problem. Because the first victim was not armed and able to “contain” the thugs, he tried to run and the cowardly thieves shot him in the back, and then they went on to terrorize many more victims. Too bad someone wasn’t carrying their “goblin gun”. People need to decide today if they are going to be victims or victors, because as this economy hits bottom, this will become a common event.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
If You Can't Read the Paperwork Get Another Job...
...or we'll get another one for the unemployment line
Now watch this.
Now watch this.
Orlando Gets a “Special” Rating Once Again
“Self” Ranks Central Fla. Low On Healthy List
CENTRAL FLORIDA -- Several Central Florida cities are on the bottom-half of a list of the healthiest cities for women. The Orlando-Kissimmee area ranks 54th on the list of 100 cities in the November issue of "Self" magazine. According to "Self," that's partly because of a higher risk of rape or other violent crimes compared to other cities.
CENTRAL FLORIDA -- Several Central Florida cities are on the bottom-half of a list of the healthiest cities for women. The Orlando-Kissimmee area ranks 54th on the list of 100 cities in the November issue of "Self" magazine. According to "Self," that's partly because of a higher risk of rape or other violent crimes compared to other cities.
Folding Up the Tents?
One can only hope.
Times Says It Will Cut 100 Newsroom Jobs
With writers like "Bono". it's no wonder.
They are already making plans for the government bailout.
Report urges action to preserve journalism
If you want to preserve "journalism" let them all go bankrupt.
Times Says It Will Cut 100 Newsroom Jobs
With writers like "Bono". it's no wonder.
They are already making plans for the government bailout.
Report urges action to preserve journalism
If you want to preserve "journalism" let them all go bankrupt.
Robb Allen is Making Too Much Sense
Robb has a few good ones over at his blog. Check them out:
Don't these guys get Viagra to help them compensate?
Because a loud noise is all you need
Don't these guys get Viagra to help them compensate?
Because a loud noise is all you need
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Way We Were
America had such a different perspective right after World War 2. Watch this video and see what I mean...and what we've become.
Jews and Guns
That is the title of an article that I will link to here. Most Jews that I know who are anti gun are liberals from New York and New Jersey. Israeli Jews know that laying down one's arms means annihilation.
America's Emmisary of Bull $hit
Another fopa from the mouth of Hillary. Read about it here. The older she gets, the better she was.
White House boasts: We 'control' news media a surprise...from the "kill your television" file:
Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government
Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government
Sunday, October 18, 2009
‘It’s Really Not News’: White House Launches New Attacks on Fox News
George Streptococcus and David (broken) Axelrod are trying to sway popular opinion against FOX news. Too late fellas. As the mainstream news is rapidly losing ground, FOX and other independent news groups are growing rapidly. You can view the talking heads here.
President Obama Believes Fox News Is Not a ‘Legitimate News Organization’
Gun Shy doesn't believe that Obama is a legitimate president, in as much as he has no real experience and hasn't done anything but spend us into an even deeper financial crisis. Rahm Emanuel is nothing more than a cocky talking head. Now watch the video.
P.S. It should be noted that ALL news organizations have an agenda, but at least FOX is not like CNN and MSNBC.
P.S. It should be noted that ALL news organizations have an agenda, but at least FOX is not like CNN and MSNBC.
I Hope They Enjoy the Olympics in Rio
Helicopter downed in Rio violence; two police dead
RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Suspected drug traffickers shot down a police helicopter and set fire to five buses and a school in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday, killing two policemen, police and media said.
It is one of the worst recent outbreaks of violence in Rio and comes two weeks after the city was awarded the 2016 Olympic Games, despite worries over its high levels of violence and poor security.
Traffickers set fire to the buses in response to a police operation against them, the O Globo network said on its website, which showed pictures of the destroyed helicopter and buses on fire. It reported that three suspected criminals were also killed.
"The helicopter was hit by criminals and the pilot made a forced landing on a football pitch," Major Oderlei Santos of the military police told Reuters.
The helicopter had been carrying six police officers as part of an operation in one of Rio's hundreds of slums, which are dominated by heavily armed drug gangs, police said.
RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Suspected drug traffickers shot down a police helicopter and set fire to five buses and a school in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday, killing two policemen, police and media said.
It is one of the worst recent outbreaks of violence in Rio and comes two weeks after the city was awarded the 2016 Olympic Games, despite worries over its high levels of violence and poor security.
Traffickers set fire to the buses in response to a police operation against them, the O Globo network said on its website, which showed pictures of the destroyed helicopter and buses on fire. It reported that three suspected criminals were also killed.
"The helicopter was hit by criminals and the pilot made a forced landing on a football pitch," Major Oderlei Santos of the military police told Reuters.
The helicopter had been carrying six police officers as part of an operation in one of Rio's hundreds of slums, which are dominated by heavily armed drug gangs, police said.
Seriously...Have You Looked at the Skies Lately?
Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow
Controlling the weather in Moscow is nothing new, he says. Ahead of the two main holidays celebrated in the city each year - Victory Day in May and City Day in September - the often cash-strapped air force is paid to make sure that it doesn't, well, rain on the parades. With a city budget of $40 billion a year (larger than New York City's budget), Moscow can easily afford the $2-3 million price tag to keep the skies blue as spectators watch the tanks and rocket launchers roll along Red Square. Now there's a new challenge for the air force: Moscow's notorious blizzards.
"You know how every year on City Day and Victory Day we create the weather?" Luzhkov asked a group of farmers outside Moscow in September, according to Russian media reports. "Well, we should do the same with the snow! Then outside Moscow there will be more moisture, a bigger harvest, while for us it won't snow as much. It will make financial sense." (See pictures of Russia celebrating Victory Day.)
Typically when America is talking about "someone else is doing it" so are we.
Controlling the weather in Moscow is nothing new, he says. Ahead of the two main holidays celebrated in the city each year - Victory Day in May and City Day in September - the often cash-strapped air force is paid to make sure that it doesn't, well, rain on the parades. With a city budget of $40 billion a year (larger than New York City's budget), Moscow can easily afford the $2-3 million price tag to keep the skies blue as spectators watch the tanks and rocket launchers roll along Red Square. Now there's a new challenge for the air force: Moscow's notorious blizzards.
"You know how every year on City Day and Victory Day we create the weather?" Luzhkov asked a group of farmers outside Moscow in September, according to Russian media reports. "Well, we should do the same with the snow! Then outside Moscow there will be more moisture, a bigger harvest, while for us it won't snow as much. It will make financial sense." (See pictures of Russia celebrating Victory Day.)
Typically when America is talking about "someone else is doing it" so are we.
So Much For the Wall Coming Down and Freedom
Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling
Now America has a group in the White House that is trying to usher in their own personal brand of socialism/marxism. What's next?
Now America has a group in the White House that is trying to usher in their own personal brand of socialism/marxism. What's next?
Who's in Your Kids Education?
Send them off to public school, but don't be surprised when they come home espousing a socialist agenda with a hand full of Obama and ACORN bumper stickers singing a song praising Obama.
Read this and watch the video to find out why.
Read this and watch the video to find out why.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Fellas Over at Black Five Nailed it Again...
Read this and see what I mean. By the way, Gun Shy concurs.
Thought For the Day
From a song that I heard on the radio by John Mayer:
And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information
Oh, they can bend it all they want
What a perfect description of the main stream media. I hope they all go bankrupt.
And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information
Oh, they can bend it all they want
What a perfect description of the main stream media. I hope they all go bankrupt.
Time For the Readers to Build a Parody Song
Sung to the tune of Wham's "Wake me up before you go-go"
Here is the potential new chorus:
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
Cause till then the dow will just be so-so
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
I don't want to miss it when he hits that door
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
Cause I'm plannin' on havin’ no dough
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
So you can buy me dinner that night
I picked this song because he and his leftist administration is trying to put their socialist "whammy" on America. We shall see.
Here is the potential new chorus:
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
Cause till then the dow will just be so-so
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
I don't want to miss it when he hits that door
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
Cause I'm plannin' on havin’ no dough
Wake me up when Obama go-goes
So you can buy me dinner that night
I picked this song because he and his leftist administration is trying to put their socialist "whammy" on America. We shall see.
Are They Trying to Create a North American Union?
Some say yes, and others are saying conspiracy theory. Let's take a quick look at a few things:
A new coin called the Amero is discussed here.
Here is a news discussion.
Here is another discussion about the NAU. I am not sure of the accuracy of the information, so it is posted as a starting point for the readers to explore.
A new coin called the Amero is discussed here.
Here is a news discussion.
Here is another discussion about the NAU. I am not sure of the accuracy of the information, so it is posted as a starting point for the readers to explore.
I Am Not Sure About the "Not Evil" Part...
Be Part of a World Record for the largest ever simultaneous film premiere
A little additional reading will suffice:
Not Truthful, Just Gore
A little additional reading will suffice:
Not Truthful, Just Gore
Explosives 101
Explosives and the way they react is amazing science. You can use C-4 to blow stuff to pieces, or you can cut it into small cubes, light it up, and use it to warm your food with. (just don't try to put it out with a shovel or you might experience KABOOM)
Stormbringer posted an interesting video about the characteristics of explosives here.
Stormbringer posted an interesting video about the characteristics of explosives here.
Sheriff Joe is Still Doing His Job...
Let's See if the Main Stream Media Can Report the News Correctly When it is Standing On Their Sidewalk
Can't wait to see the reports. Read this to find out what is happening.
Selling Our Sovereignty Down the U.N. Controlled River
Read this and get a snapshot of the dealings.
Tennesee is the Place-to-Be
It looks like the people of Tennessee are demonstrating their will to make it clearly known to all who would think to try and suppress their second amendment rights. One only needs to look at what is going on in Kalifornia with it's suppression of ammo purchases to see how bad it can get.
2nd Amendment Rally by Ronnie Barrett
More details can be found here.
For those of you who do not know who Ronnie Barrett is, he is the founder and CEO of Barrett Firearms. You can read more about him here.
2nd Amendment Rally by Ronnie Barrett
More details can be found here.
For those of you who do not know who Ronnie Barrett is, he is the founder and CEO of Barrett Firearms. You can read more about him here.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Common Freaking Sense...
Take a look at "Bob's" take on the young cub scout who was nearly thrown out of school in Delaware for bringing his camping utensil to school to show his SIX YEAR OLD FRIENDS!!!
Peace Prize Rap
Who Would You Bet on Winning This Fight?

I want to take a moment to compare the leaders of two superpowers, that being the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. First we have Mr Putin. He is currently 57 years old, does not smoke, and is in excellent physical condition. He has a lengthy resume that is security and military based. He began studying martial arts as a sixth grader. He won the Sambo championships of St Petersburg multiple times and became Master of Sports first in Sambo and then in Judo. The Russian Federation President's Combat Sambo Cup was established by Vladimir Putin on 20th of March of 2006. Combat Sambo is similar to mixed martial arts. (MMA) When you read his extensive resume, you have to wonder what is not listed there, seeing as how he is former KGB. (once KGB always KGB)
Then we have Mr Obama. He is 48 years old. He smokes and plays basketball. Oh…and he enjoys long walks on the beach (at the taxpayers expense) and spending our nation into what will probably be the worst melt down in financial history. The readers can probably guess where Gun Shy’s money would be on this cyber match.
The above comparison should in no way be construed as Gun Shy rooting for the Russkies. It should also be noted that one difference between a socialist and a communist, is that the communists have firearms.
You Can Trust Al Gore's Facts (wink wink)
...and his former boss DID NOT have sexual relations with that woman...
Read this and you will see that it is more of the same.
Read this and you will see that it is more of the same.
Pelosi's Lips are Moving Again can trust her (wink wink)
Could Politically Incorrect Speakers Be Charged With Aiding and Abetting Hate Crimes?
In my personal opinion, it is a shame that the first black president, and the first woman speaker of the house have performed so poorly thus far. I wonder how this will go down in history.
Could Politically Incorrect Speakers Be Charged With Aiding and Abetting Hate Crimes?
In my personal opinion, it is a shame that the first black president, and the first woman speaker of the house have performed so poorly thus far. I wonder how this will go down in history.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It is really of very little use to you. Most of the stuff that oozes out of it into your living room is the electronic equivalent of raw sewage anyways. First read this.
LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your Television Set
Now go out and buy this book and read it.
LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your Television Set
Now go out and buy this book and read it.
Excuse Me While I Puke
What's next? Che Guevara or chairman Mao?
Read this and have your barf bag ready.
Read this and have your barf bag ready.
Manufactured "boogeymen" and the Fear Factor They So Desperately Need to Create
It seems like the main stream press is running a continuous psyops these days on the general public. Surely there must be a "right wing extremist" behind every tragedy that has happened, or is about to happen. Read this.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How That Hope and Change Working Out For the Obamanoids Portfolios I Wonder?
Take a look at the slow demise of the U.S. Dollar.
ACORN Dropping Like Flies
Now is when they start to throw each other under the bus.
ACORN Fires Longtime Companion of Group's Founder
ACORN Fires Longtime Companion of Group's Founder
So Fellas..How Was the Rush?
Some people steal for the thrill. I hope that they got what they wanted:
Resident Kills Alleged Intruder, Wounds Another - One Man Died In Home, Another Found Streets Away
Hopefully, the thugs who were shot were the same people who did this.
All thugs have been warned.
Please read this quote found here.
Two Florida laws make it legal for a homeowner to shoot intruders. The first is called the "Castle Doctrine," which allows people to defend their families in their own homes. The second is part of the "Stand your ground" law, which was passed in 2005 and allows any citizen to use deadly force when they see a violent felony being committed.
Resident Kills Alleged Intruder, Wounds Another - One Man Died In Home, Another Found Streets Away
Hopefully, the thugs who were shot were the same people who did this.
All thugs have been warned.
Please read this quote found here.
Two Florida laws make it legal for a homeowner to shoot intruders. The first is called the "Castle Doctrine," which allows people to defend their families in their own homes. The second is part of the "Stand your ground" law, which was passed in 2005 and allows any citizen to use deadly force when they see a violent felony being committed.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pakistan is Furious
It's a good thing they didn't send Pelosi. A little comic relief courtesy of Hillary.
WTF is Wrong With America?
...public education has not only "massaged" the minds of America's youth, but even worse, the administrators minds have been massaged by political correctness.
Read this and get angry.
They have ruined this child's Cub Scout experience forever.
Read this and get angry.
They have ruined this child's Cub Scout experience forever.
Another Thing I like About Texas
The native Texans try to raise their boys up to be men of courage, and they keep the American heritage of gun ownership alive. Watch this video.
My Cyber Pal Double Tapper Has a Facebook Page Now
If you are interested in talking about Israel or the weapons used by the IDF, you can have him add you. If you join to harass him, be careful because he might come and kick your a$$ Israeli commando style. Take a look at this.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Some Video Footage for the Arm Chair Generals...
...that would be Mr Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, etc. Click on this link, and you will get to hang out with some young Marines for about ten minutes.
Some scenes are graphic.
Think you still got something to bitch about?
Then watch this bonus footage or STFU.
Some scenes are graphic.
Think you still got something to bitch about?
Then watch this bonus footage or STFU.
Why I Don't Call 911
There are some great guys in LE, but with today's lowered standards, you never know if you are getting the shaky rookie or the seasoned veteran. Since there is no situation that I can't handle myself, there is no need to dial 911.
Now watch this video.
Now watch this video.
Fox is Not Being Nice to Mr Obama
They are probably jealous of his nobel peace prize award (wink wink)... or maybe they have decided that they won't be a lap dog cheerleader like the main stream media.
Fox’s Volley With Obama Intensifying
Gun Shy will be the first to admit, that FOX has it's own agenda, but at least their reporting resembles reality.
Fox’s Volley With Obama Intensifying
Gun Shy will be the first to admit, that FOX has it's own agenda, but at least their reporting resembles reality.
A Glimpse Into the Future of America
BRITAIN continues its descent into a socialist hell, devoid of any justice or morality. We now live in a sub-Marxist world where the ultra-politicised institutions of the State wield arbitrary power, bullying the decent members of the public while dangerous criminals walk free.
Time to vote Pelosi and pals out in 2010.
BRITAIN continues its descent into a socialist hell, devoid of any justice or morality. We now live in a sub-Marxist world where the ultra-politicised institutions of the State wield arbitrary power, bullying the decent members of the public while dangerous criminals walk free.
Time to vote Pelosi and pals out in 2010.
More Women Who Refuse to Become Victims
Babes With Bullets Take Fear Out Of Guns
Be sure to watch the video
Be sure to watch the video
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Like a Deer in the Headlights (Al Gore)
That is how Al Gore looked when he was asked the hard questions. Now I know that Al "invented the internet" but obviously he never learned about debate etiquette.
Watch this and shake your head.
More from the talking head named Al.
Some bonus footage of environmental hypocrisy.
Watch this and shake your head.
More from the talking head named Al.
Some bonus footage of environmental hypocrisy.
Even a Blind Squirrel Finds a Nut Once in a While
The New York Times is trash, but here is the nut:
The Peace (Keepers) Prize
The Peace (Keepers) Prize
Will More Local People be "Bussed In' for the Town Hall Meeting? (and other diatribes)
Grayson: GOP Should Be Renamed ‘Selfish Party’
He also stepped up his attack on Republicans by suggesting the GOP change its name to the “Selfish Party.” Grayson said the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that “Democrats have a conscience,” adding that Republicans will oppose President Barack Obama on anything. “If the president has a BLT sandwich tomorrow, the Republicans are going to try to ban bacon,” Grayson said.
Bacon is not “kosher” Alan, so you as a person who is Jewish might want to pick a different analogy next time. Mr Grayson is originally from “da Bronx” in New York City. If you are reading this Alan, and you understand Yiddish, both political parties are dreck, and that has been made clearly obvious. What has also become obvious of your nobel prize winning leader, is that his actions resemble those of a putz (testing your Yiddish skills). If you want to focus on “selfish”, take a look at how he has spent your great grand kids into debt in his last smooth move, and you might realize that you need to look no further than him to define selfish in my opinion.
The congressman plans to host a health care town hall meeting Monday night in Lake County…
Only 200 spots are open to the public. To register to attend the town hall meeting, call one of the following numbers:
I will be curious how many “local” people they bus in this time.
Bonus question for Mr Grayson:
What kind of conscience did Ted Kennedy (Chappaquiddick) and Bill Clinton (Lewinski affair and Waco) have?
He also stepped up his attack on Republicans by suggesting the GOP change its name to the “Selfish Party.” Grayson said the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that “Democrats have a conscience,” adding that Republicans will oppose President Barack Obama on anything. “If the president has a BLT sandwich tomorrow, the Republicans are going to try to ban bacon,” Grayson said.
Bacon is not “kosher” Alan, so you as a person who is Jewish might want to pick a different analogy next time. Mr Grayson is originally from “da Bronx” in New York City. If you are reading this Alan, and you understand Yiddish, both political parties are dreck, and that has been made clearly obvious. What has also become obvious of your nobel prize winning leader, is that his actions resemble those of a putz (testing your Yiddish skills). If you want to focus on “selfish”, take a look at how he has spent your great grand kids into debt in his last smooth move, and you might realize that you need to look no further than him to define selfish in my opinion.
The congressman plans to host a health care town hall meeting Monday night in Lake County…
Only 200 spots are open to the public. To register to attend the town hall meeting, call one of the following numbers:
I will be curious how many “local” people they bus in this time.
Bonus question for Mr Grayson:
What kind of conscience did Ted Kennedy (Chappaquiddick) and Bill Clinton (Lewinski affair and Waco) have?
So Much For "Gun Free" School Zones
New flash for the politicians. Thugs don't obey the law.
Shooters Sought In Attempted Robbery Near School- Shots Fired Near Meadowbrook Middle School
Try telling the parents of the deceased students at Virginia Tech about the "safety" of gun free zones.
Shooters Sought In Attempted Robbery Near School- Shots Fired Near Meadowbrook Middle School
Try telling the parents of the deceased students at Virginia Tech about the "safety" of gun free zones.
Now THAT is What Gun Shy is Talking About
Woman Attacked At 7-Eleven
According to the victim, she was outside the store when the suspect approached her from behind. The suspect pushed the woman up against the fence and tried to sexually batter her.
The victim was able to defend herself with a box cutter until the suspect was scared away by a car pulling into the parking lot.
And that is what it is all about. Refusing to be a victim. I hope she cut him long, wide, and continuously. He is lucky that she didn't give him a box cutter "circumcision"
According to the victim, she was outside the store when the suspect approached her from behind. The suspect pushed the woman up against the fence and tried to sexually batter her.
The victim was able to defend herself with a box cutter until the suspect was scared away by a car pulling into the parking lot.
And that is what it is all about. Refusing to be a victim. I hope she cut him long, wide, and continuously. He is lucky that she didn't give him a box cutter "circumcision"
Who is That Knocking at My Door?
This is the motley crew that will be taking the census. Read it and wonder what has happened to the America we once knew.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
"Hype" You Can Believe In
Here is a quote from Lec Walesa found here.
"But Lech Walesa, the dissident turned Polish President, who won the Peace Prize in 1983, spoke for many, declaring: “So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far.” "
"But Lech Walesa, the dissident turned Polish President, who won the Peace Prize in 1983, spoke for many, declaring: “So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far.” "
The Reality of it All
While Mr Obama is busy receiving his nobel peace prize...
this is the reality of who is really doing the work and paying the price.
this is the reality of who is really doing the work and paying the price.
Another One of the Many Reasons That Tourism is Down in O-Town
Come to the attractions and have your vehicle stolen.
Friday, October 9, 2009
This Podcast is Gun Shy Approved
Gun Shy rarely recommends stuff. That is because often as I get past the initial experience, I usually become disappointed with what I find. I have been listening to a podcast for quite a few months now that I am really enjoying. Jack Spirko is former military (I believe Airborne) and has a site and a podcast that I think the readers will find interesting. He is like the thinking man’s survivalist, and he has interesting guests on his show as well. Jack isn’t one of those guys that is sitting around gleefully waiting for the apocalypse, but instead he is attempting to educate and empower people to become more self sufficient, so that they can live better more productive lives with less dependence on the system. If you enjoy his podcast, send him a few bucks to keep his site moving forward so that he can reach more people.
Here is the link to his podcast.
Here is the link to his podcast.
All They Need to do Now is Name an Airport After Him...
...and canonize him as a saint..
He still hasn't done anything yet.
Here is the breakdown of what he did to earn it.
President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking.
An 18 year old knew is wasn't correct. Here is a quote:
"I don't think Obama deserves this. I don't know who's making all these decisions. The prize should go to someone who has done something for peace and humanity," said Ahmad Shabir, 18-year-old student in Kabul. "Since he is the president, I don't see any change in U.S. strategy in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"Bob" wasn't shocked.
A short bonus commentary.
He still hasn't done anything yet.
Here is the breakdown of what he did to earn it.
President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
Many observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline and has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking.
An 18 year old knew is wasn't correct. Here is a quote:
"I don't think Obama deserves this. I don't know who's making all these decisions. The prize should go to someone who has done something for peace and humanity," said Ahmad Shabir, 18-year-old student in Kabul. "Since he is the president, I don't see any change in U.S. strategy in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"Bob" wasn't shocked.
A short bonus commentary.
So You Really Want Government Run Healthcare?
Okay then...let's use schools as an example of how it will be. Watch this.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Obama "birther" Update
The article that I am going to link to, is from Alan Keyes, who is no stranger to calling out Mr Obama as seen here.
Here is the article on the birth issue.
Here is the article on the birth issue.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Don't Worry...We'll Do your Thinking For You
Here is what is on the horizon next to remove personal choice.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Inmates Running the O-town Asylum
Ordinance Passes To Allow More Strip Clubs
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orlando city commissioners passed an ordinance Monday that will allow more strip clubs and adult businesses in the city. Currently, there's only one adult business in the entire city. The ordinance could actually create several red light districts.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orlando city commissioners passed an ordinance Monday that will allow more strip clubs and adult businesses in the city. Currently, there's only one adult business in the entire city. The ordinance could actually create several red light districts.
Makes You Want to Have Your Kid's Next Birthday Party There Doesn't it?
Men Rob Chuck E. Cheese's, Money Trail Left Behind
How freakin pathetic. Maybe someone will shoot these thugs before they harm somebody. This is great for the declining tourist industry here in O-Town.
I guess the readers have noticed that I haven't been reporting on the local crime much lately. This is because the crime that is going on in Washington makes the local crime scene look like nothing. Gun Shy isn't really into politics much, but what has been happening lately in America can destroy this nation so I feel that it is important.
How freakin pathetic. Maybe someone will shoot these thugs before they harm somebody. This is great for the declining tourist industry here in O-Town.
I guess the readers have noticed that I haven't been reporting on the local crime much lately. This is because the crime that is going on in Washington makes the local crime scene look like nothing. Gun Shy isn't really into politics much, but what has been happening lately in America can destroy this nation so I feel that it is important.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
It's Clear That Your Accomplishments Are....well...
Texas Fred lays it out for you on the prez's accomplishments in his first year in office. Even Saturday Night Live has caught on to what's happening. Be sure to watch the video.
Cyber High Five to This Guy...
This is Dou Giles, the father of Hannah Giles who broke the ACORN thing wide open with their expose film. Check him out here.
Maybe Singing is a Career That the prez Can Actually Have Some Success In
The Bankrupting of America
Clunker hangover knocks sales down at Chrysler, Ford, GM
DETROIT — The auto industry staggered through September, suffering from a massive cash-for-clunkers hangover that left sales down 41% compared with clunker-fueled August.
DETROIT — The auto industry staggered through September, suffering from a massive cash-for-clunkers hangover that left sales down 41% compared with clunker-fueled August.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Who Performed the Psychological Screening on This Petty Tyrant?
Gun Shy is pro Law Enfocement, but I have noticed lately that some agencies are lowering the bar. If this is valid footage, then this is not a very good sign. Here is the video.
CAUTION: Harsh language used
CAUTION: Harsh language used
A Video That Discusses Post Traumatic Stress
Uncle Jimbo over at Black Five posted the video that discusses a young Marine's experience first hand. You can find it here.
Texas Fred Has an O-pinion about the Chicago O-lympics
Read all about it here.
Flying Air Force 1 and the entire entourage to Copenhagen. Millions of Dollars
Having the President of the United in your pocket (Chicago). Invaluable
The IOC bitch slapping Obama, the Wookie and Oprah to the curb… PRICELESS
Flying Air Force 1 and the entire entourage to Copenhagen. Millions of Dollars
Having the President of the United in your pocket (Chicago). Invaluable
The IOC bitch slapping Obama, the Wookie and Oprah to the curb… PRICELESS
He's Just So Confused...
Maybe he should get a job that he is qualified for then. Read this. If it is that confusing, wait until they try and decide if you qualify for benefits or not. Heaven help us all
The Conspiracy of Silence
Where was the main stream media on this one.
Their whole "admit nothing, deny everthing, and make counter accusations" strategy is no longer working with the American people.
Their whole "admit nothing, deny everthing, and make counter accusations" strategy is no longer working with the American people.
ACORN Suffering From "crushed nuts"...again
ACORN Plans Massive Layoffs
Try to imagine Gun Shy doing a little dance around the room. :)
Try to imagine Gun Shy doing a little dance around the room. :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Oh Happy Day...
ACORN Donations Dwindle In Wake Of Videos
Now give the money to an organization that cares about the people and not political ambitions.
Now give the money to an organization that cares about the people and not political ambitions.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
More From the The People Who Keep Your Kids "safe" in Mr Obama's World File
This should be from the WTF file:
Obama appointee lauded NAMBLA figure
While you are at it, you might want to read this as well.
My suggestion would be to pull your kids out of public schools and send them to the private school of your choice. Yes it is more expensive, but a child's mind is a terrible thing to indoctrinate.
Obama appointee lauded NAMBLA figure
While you are at it, you might want to read this as well.
My suggestion would be to pull your kids out of public schools and send them to the private school of your choice. Yes it is more expensive, but a child's mind is a terrible thing to indoctrinate.
The People Who Keep Your Kids "safe" in Mr Obama's World
Read this story and tell me what you think.
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