Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thou Scaredy Cat Hypocrite

The readers are well aware of who Bloomberg, the mayor of Noo Yawk City is. He is vehemently anti gun, and has started a national organization to try and get other states to follow suit. Basically, he would like to see all Americans unarmed and defenseless. That is of course with a few exceptions.


The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.

Click here to read the article.

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