Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Possible Vehicle Jihadi?

Taxi Cab Driver In Stingaree Crash Identified - 35 Injured After Taxi Crashes Into Gaslamp Nightclub Stingaree


Police confirmed Daly was the only person in the cab and that he stopped at the stop sign on the corner before driving about 15 miles per hour into the crowd. Jimenez landed on the taxi and suffered only bruising to his legs and hand. He was trained as an EMT and immediately started helping the victims...

...Police would not release any more information about Daly's background, but friends who know him said Daly is an Egyptian native. Friends also said Daly worked in Egypt as a dermatologist.

Hmm...GunShy is hoping that it is not another incident like the ones I reported on here:

More on the Threat of 'Vehicular Jihad'

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