Saturday, January 14, 2012

States Rights…Really???

I would like for the readers to riddle me this. If you are a Florida concealed carry permit holder, who has gone through a national background check, you are still not allowed to carry a concealed firearm in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maryland, and California, as well as a few more states, because they have states rights, and therefore, they can deny you based upon those rights. On the other hand, when Arizona tried to enforce their immigration policy, which is basically the same as the federal policy that isn’t being enforced by this administration, they were told by a federal judge that they could not. Now, under a federal mandate, Florida must not only demand access to your private information for verification, but they must also scan and save it on their servers, which really is a violation of your Constitutional rights. (fourth amendment). It also violates your right to unrestricted travel, because if you choose not to present the newly required documents, you are not issued a license. I guess in this situation, it appears that Florida now has no states rights. I find it funny, that they are currently pushing so that people won’t have to show any ID to vote, but at the same time demanding that you must let them store all of your major documents on their server, risking total identity theft in the event their server is breached, or you will not be granted a drivers license. Recently seventy percent of the people of Oklahoma voted that no law except Constitutional law could be heard in their state courts, which would eliminate sharia law or any other nations law from being heard in the settling of disputes. As an aside, Florida has already allowed sharia law to be heard in the states courts. Anyhow, the feds came in and got involved with Oklahoma's decision, appointed a judge, and ruled that they could not do this. So even though the majority of Oklahomans exercised their voice as well as their vote, they were overruled by a federal judge, who made this ruling from Denver. Once again, so much for states rights. Now let’s examine this last situation for a moment. According to the people in government, America is a democracy, even though in truth it is a Constitutional Republic. Using their democracy logic, in a democracy the majority rules. That means if 51% votes for, and 49% votes against, the 51% wins. Based on their logic, then if 70% of Oklahomans voted in favor of no law except Constitutional law in the courts of Oklahoma, then they should have won, correct? Now the federal judge who ruled has set a precedent forth to challenge all of the other states who have also said that Constitutional law is the only law allowed in their state. Gun Shy is convinced that we are living in corrupt, perilous times my friends, a time where good is called evil, and evil is paraded around as being good. And remember this little bit of wisdom...the only difference between Democrats and Republicans, is what they do with your money after they steal it.

1 comment:

ocopek said...

I have to steal that last sentence. I want to add it to a "divided we stand, united we fail" comment about making sure neither party has a majority in both houses. If a law is worth passing then both parties will vote for it. If it requires a super majority of one party to get something done, you can be sure it is not in our best interest.