Friday, June 1, 2012

How About We Regulate Thugs and Tyrants Instead?

Oh...but might need bullets to do that, and maybe this is why the people who shill for them want firearms and ammo banned.

Global poverty group: Regulate bullets, not only guns


In the run-up to a United Nations summit in July, the anti-poverty organization Oxfam International is urging nations to strengthen global rules covering the trade of both firearms and ammunition, saying that without controlling bullets along with the guns that fire them, any new treaty ”doesn’t make sense.”...

So far, 153 countries have voted in support of draft forms of a treaty that would regulate the sale of weapons, but Egypt, Syria, Russia, Iran and Cuba have objected. And the United States opposes the inclusion of ammunition controls in global treaties, along with Syria and Egypt.

Oh looky...there is that treaty that Barry, Hillary, and friends have been pushing that gun owners shouldn't be 'concerned' about.

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