Friday, February 20, 2009

Its a Family Affair

Please read this article:

Mother, Sons Arrested After Armed Robbery

Gun Shy has an idea. See what you think. If these people are foreign nationals that are here illegally (this is occurring more and more), then the U.S. needs to build a detention center to hold detainees who have entered America illegally and have committed a crime against an American citizen. While incarcerated at this facility the detainees will have to work until the cost of restitution to the victim, arrest costs, judicial costs, and incarceration costs are satisfied, and then at that time they will be deported (they will also need to satisfy deportation fees). Americans need to quit paying for foreign nationals to come to our country and commit crimes against our people. If these criminals have recently become legal citizens, their citizenship needs to be revoked and they need to be sent packing AFTER they have settled the debt that they chose to incur by their illegal activities. NO MORE FREE RIDE! For the people who come to America from another country, and choose to live good and productive lives, raise their families to be good citizens and good Americans, and contribute to this great nation, Gun Shy welcomes you, and I am happy that you have chosen America as your new country.

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