Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey...Don't Worry About it America...the World Economy is Getting Better...

Read all about the improvement here.


Banks worldwide saw £14billion wiped off their market value yesterday.

As Americans are losing their jobs and homes, I wonder how much of the American bailout/stimulus money is setting in those banks that are going under. Here is an earlier commentary where I named a bank that received U.S. Bailout funds and below is a quote. Please note the **starring**:

"So where did the rest of this bailout money go that was received by AIG? Take a look at this quote:

AIG, a recipient of at least $170 billion in federal bailout money , got an $85 billion loan from the Federal Reserve. The list released Sunday of "counterparties" that benefited from the bailout is topped by European banks **Societe Generale** and Deutsche Bank, which received $4.1 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively.

Whaaaatttttt????? European Banks received U.S. Taxpayers dollars while Americans are going hungry and homeless? Does any of the readers remember voting on that one? Did we missed the memo on that? Would any of the readers ever agree to that?"

Now read this about the bank that I **starred** above.

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