Monday, January 11, 2010

More Homeland Insecurity Antics

This time they bit off more than they can chew:

Seattle customs officials defend decision to handcuff Michael Yon for refusing to disclose income


Seattle-Tacoma International Airport officials recently interrogated and handcuffed Army Green Beret-turned-reporter Michael Yon because he refused to tell them how much money he makes.

What makes for a good special operator is their ability to use their best weapon, which is their brain. Michael Yon had the ability to physically ruin their day when they started man handling him, but instead he did some fast thinking and ended up with a first person scoop that will get incredible mileage in the media. I am sure by this time that those responsible now realize that they screwed up royally. That is what happens when you pit a bunch of checker players against a well trained chess player.

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