Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day at the Range Yesterday

Gun Shy spent the day at the range yesterday. Thank God we still have open areas here in Florida where we can go out and train, because many other states in the U.S. have legislated away second amendment rights by burdensome rules that restrict firearms and ranges as well. While at the range I met a young Marine who had returned from combat, who renewed my faith in the next generation of America. He was home from serving two tours of duty (A-Stan and Iraq) and re-acclimating to civilian life after serving our nation. I had a good discussion with this young man, and early on into the conversation, I realized how squared away he was, and how on point his world view was, which came from a place of experience, and not from some textbook or lecture from a liberal university. As a young man, he had already realized how much our nation has changed, and we both agreed that it was not for the better. In this writers opinion, he exemplified what the Corps is all about. During our discussion we also talked a lot of guns, and of course he was squared away in that area as well. I look forward to doing some shooting with him in the future, and hopefully, many other young warriors returning home will be shooting with us as well.

Gun Shy would like to dedicate this video song to this young man, and would also like to publicly thank him for his service if he is reading, and welcome him home. I am sure the readers would concur as well, and we must always remember...

Freedom Isn’t Free.

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