Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Writing on the Wall in "Obamanese"

In the last few weeks I have coined some new phrases such as Obamanomics and Obamanese. I would like to explain Obamanese to the readers. Obamanese is the double speak that Mr Obama uses to try to mesmerize Americans into believing that he has our best interest in mind when it comes to gun rights. Obamanese is a language that is comprised by combining two languages which are lawyer speak and politician babble. An example of this is Mr Obama saying that he is for second amendment rights, when he is clearly against personal gun ownership and the right to self defense by law abiding citizens. When Gun Shy hears Obamanese, it sounds a lot like this once it passes through my built in All American pro-constitutional filters. It is probably more easily understood and comprehended by socialists, communists, and New York and California liberals, who are willing to sell away their heritage and constituional rights for the promise of safety bowl of porridge. Now, take a look at this article to get the crux of the matter:

Obama May Grab for Guns


The above article is from alternative media, which could indicate that you may be considered a right wing extremist if you frequent these sources for information.

Gun Shy feels a song coming on:

I think I'm hearing O-ba-ma-nese I think I hearing O-ba-ma-nese I really think so...

1 comment:

Welshman said...

Hey, Friend!

You're in the Second Amendment News Roundup today at The Liberty Sphere.

Just thought I'd give you a heads-up!

Anthony G. Martin