Friday, May 15, 2009

There Are Honorable Americans in Every State (even the ones whose state government is a mess)

Read this and you will see what I mean.

Here is a quote:

Massa did more than talk about the importance of being an informed citizen. He demonstrated it. After a question about gun control, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a copy of the U.S. Constitution. "This is the owners' manual for Congress," he said, flipping to the section containing the amendments and reading the second amendment, the one that establishes the right to have a militia and to bear arms. "I will not, have not and won't vote for any new gun control regulations," he said. "We have not begun to enforce the laws we have."

New York tends to attract petty tyrants from all over the U.S. that eventually end up in the state government, so it is refreshing to see a man such as this who is on the side of truth and upholds what is clearly written in the constitution. If my memory serves me correctly, Ms Clinton moved there and served in the New York political machine before her jump back to the white house.

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