Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More Information About the Potential Somali Terrorists in America

Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor…And Your Terrorists Too


Here’s how “enlightened” these folks are: in the port of Kismayo, a young girl accused of adultery was buried up to her neck in the field of a soccer stadium packed with spectators, and then stoned to death; her family said that she was only thirteen years old and had in fact been gang-raped. In Merca, the Shabaab decreed that gold and silver dental fillings were un-Islamic, and dispatched patrols to yank them out of people’s mouths. In 2009, they began publicly whipping women for wearing bras that they claim violate Islam as they are ‘deceptive’. They sent gunmen into the streets of Mogadishu to round up any women who appear to have a firm bust. The women were then inspected to see if the firmness is natural, or if it is the result of wearing a bra. (Seriously. I can’t make this stuff up.)

So I for one am just slightly concerned about the fact that there are some 272 Somalis (and those are just the ones we know about from this one case) who have likely ties to al-Shabaab and are currently scattered to the four winds here at home.

Thanks, Ms. Napolitano. You’re doing a bang-up job.

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