Saturday, April 11, 2009

Update on Cowards Who Murdered Marcus Luttrel’s Dog DASY

Please watch this.

Gun Shy has his own perfect world dream vision of equal justice in this matter. These cowards should be taken up in an airplane over Afghanistan, and then be forced to do a HALO jump into enemy territory that is known to be occupied by the taliban. If these "tough guys" managed to survive this rigorous task and make it to the ground intact (SEALS can do it), at that time these wanna be gangstas would most likely be engaged by enemy troops, only to find out that the firing pins in their weapons have been "modified". They would then have the full realization of what it feels like to have someone hunting them without the ability to defend themselves, as the helpless dog DASY did, teaching them a new meaning to the old phrase "hunt you down like a dog".

Part 1 of this commentary can be found here.

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