Thursday, February 23, 2012

Florida House Judiciary Committee Votes 14-1 to Approve Bill Which Prohibits Courts From Considering Certain Provisions of Foreign Laws

This bill would also stop sharia law from being implemented in Florida courts. The only person who voted against it was a Jewish woman originally from New York City who is on the Holocaust Documentation and Learning Center board of directors, and she also is a Democrat. Go figure.


The Florida House Judiciary Committee passed HB 1209 on the morning of February 22, 2012 with a bi-partisan vote of 14-1.

Y Campbell - Hager Y McBurney Y Porth Y Soto
Y Eisnaugle Y Harrell Y Metz N Schwartz Y Steinberg
- Gaetz - Harrison Y Passidomo Y Snyder Y Weinstein
Y Goodson Y Julien Y Pilon

Click here to read more about the vote.

1 comment:

ocopek said...

Would this also prohibit United Nations laws that would prohibit private ownership of weapons?