Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama said more than 90 percent of weapons seized by Mexican authorities have come from the United States…

The title of this commentary is a direct quote from the Washington Post article found here. I guess that no one has alerted the prez, as well as his people such as Hillary Clinton about the truth of the matter, as reported by FOX News in this article.

The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. - While 90 percent of the guns traced to the U.S. actually originated in the United States, the percent traced to the U.S. is only about 17 percent of the total number of guns reaching Mexico.

So I guess all Americans need to ponder the question that I asked in an earlier commentary “If politicians repeat a lie long enough does it somehow over time magically become the truth?”

Here is an interesting commentary on the matter of U.S. guns and Mexico.

This is also interesting.


OrangeNeck said...

If this were 15 years ago, I would say, "Yes." Perfect example: The Clinton Assault Weapons Ban.

These days, with bloggers like you, Robb Allen, Tam, et. al., it's easy to debunk their lies so that people can read it in real time and learn the truth for themselves.

Found my way here via Sharp As A Marble blog (Robb Allen).

Gun Shy Tourist said...

Thanks Wai. Hopefully we can keep the information flowing freely by linking to each other. Robb and Tam, as well as many others cover a lot of ground in their blogs when it comes to firearms and the pertinent topics surrounding them. By scrutinizing the "facts" that the gun grabbers errantly promote, their folly is usually exposed quite easily for those who wish to think for themselves instead of listening to the dribble parroted by the major media outlets.