Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Really Happened in New Orleans? (Katrina Gun Confiscation)

Please watch the media’s version first:

New Orleans Gun Confiscation - Part 1 The News Spin

Now watch this:

New Orleans Gun Confiscation - Part 2 The Reality

What else did the news show us?

National Guard Confiscating Guns in New Orleans

So what is the truth? Let’s look a little deeper with this video from Gordon Hutchinson.

Here is an interesting Gordon Hutchinson audio interview from Gun Nuts Radio.

Check out Gordon Hutchinson's blog with more on the update of New Orleans guns confiscation.

After viewing these, my next question was, is there anything like this happening in any other states in America? I was surprised to find this news discussion about the state of Massachusetts, probably the most gun anal state I have ever lived in, with California and New York being a close second.

Boston Police Go Door to Door Looking For Guns

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