Saturday, January 9, 2010

The "Global Warming" Heat is Going to Kill Us Here in Florida...

...and then Al Gore woke up from his dream to climate change reality:

Sleet, Snow Fall In Parts Of Central Florida

Learn more about Al's ca$h for climate business here.


Meanwhile, a complacent media, rather than hounding Gore over his financial conflicts of interest, continue to shill for this conman’s junk science.

When you add it all up, this is a flimflam of epic proportions:

First, Gore sets up a company that will invest in other companies that will benefit from global warming alarmism

Second, Gore gets some Hollywood types to fund and produce a movie designed to scare the c-c-carbon out of the population

Third, Gore travels the world promoting this movie, while pushing the view that a cataclysm is imminent if the world doesn't immediately act

Fourth, an adoring media falls for the con hook, line, and sinker. Rather than debunking the flaws in the theories, the media promote every word of it while advancing the concept that Gore's views represent those of an overwhelming majority of scientists

Fifth, scared governments and citizens across the globe invest in alternative energy programs driving up the shares of companies Gore's group has already invested in

Sixth, Gore and his cronies make billions as they laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of their fellow citizens

America -- what a country!

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