Saturday, December 18, 2010

No One Ever Said That Carrying a Gun Would Be Comfortable...

…but it could end up being comforting to you as well as those around you if you find yourself in a situation where you are confronted by a Domestic Urban Terrorist or some a-hole jihadi trying to attack innocent defenseless Americans in an attempt to disrupt our great way of life.

Handguns are heavy, sometimes bulky, and can be difficult to conceal, especially if you are carrying a full size steel pistol of a caliber preferably beginning with a 4, and not some gun made from recycled hefty garbage bags. (sorry Glock fans…couldn't resist the joke) Now we all know that a pistol is a pistol, and a rifle is a rifle, but with crime on the rise, and threats being made daily by terrorists against the American public, concealed carry is a much better option than attempting to throw a hand full of quarters at the perpetrators with hopes of stopping them. Now ask yourself this, which headline would you rather see?

People Stood Helpless and Horrified Watching as Innocent Americans Murdered


Quick Thinking Armed American Thwarts Deadly Attack Saving Lives

Sadly, America has become a more dangerous place than it was a few decades ago, so Americans need to consider if they view themselves as a victim or a victor, and take the appropriate action that will reinforce their self chosen concept of who they are and how they will respond. And the readers should of course ponder this…. today’s preparation is the best way to insure tomorrow’s success.

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