Sunday, December 5, 2010

Now They Will Try to Take Away This Decorated Veteran's Right to Bear Arms

Vet faces 5 charges in Westboro incident

If you read the article, it doesn't appear that he threatened anyone with a gun, and he didn't shoot anyone with a gun, but yet he is being held on $500,000.00 bail for "stalking".

This quote from the article is kind of confusing:

Prosecutors charged Newell, 26, with five misdemeanors Thursday, including stalking and three counts of criminal use of a firearm in an incident involving the Phelps family of Topeka's Westboro Baptist Church.

Maybe it is just poor reporting.

Even the formal charges are vague and without details of the incident.

From another article found here:

Westboro spokeswoman Shirley Phelps-Roper said earlier Friday: "Here is what I expect to happen: This guy is going to be called a hero, he may get a parade."

People "will line up to sing his praises, to pay his legal fees and to get him a lawyer," she said. "Then he will be permitted to plead to some nothing charges."

Phelps-Roper also said, "We've had communication about a federal investigation" involving Newell. "And I don't think I ought to say any more about that."

You are probably right Shirley, because most Americans view people who protest at dead soldiers funerals and make a mockery of them as scum.

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