Following last week’s meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, President Obama told reporters that U.S. agents working in Mexico would remain unarmed, saying: “There are laws in place in Mexico that say that our agents should not be armed. We do not carry out law enforcement activities inside of Mexico.”
However, ICE agents by the vary nature of their work in Mexico are carrying out “law enforcement activities inside of Mexico,” and forcing these agents to work and travel without the ability to defend themselves, is undoubtedly placing an even larger a target on their backs.
Hey why not? It worked so well the last few times. What's the lives of a few ICE agents among friends? (Obie and Caldi) The definition of insanity, is doing the same provably failed action, and expecting a different favorable outcome. I guess Mr Obama (was this guy even a boy scout) believes that he knows more than the experts once again. He did this with our military when he got rid of this man:

(click image to enlarge)
Gun Shy concurs.
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