Sunday, December 23, 2012

Question for the Readers (gun control)

Do the people who are demanding that Americans be defenseless by dictating what weapons are allowable have armed private security (most times paid for by your taxes) keeping them and their families safe? I think if the readers do the research, they will find out that the answer is yes. Isn't this the height of hypocrisy? If they want to get rid of "assault weapons" (they really aren't assault weapons), maybe they should lead by example as a positive role model with some "skin in the game", and get rid of their own personal security, many of who are armed with true, select fire assault weapons, and then use that money to pay the salaries of armed guards for our schools.

Jihadists and their leaders (Bin Laden, etc) have been threatening for years that they will attack American schools, and keeping in mind that they have already done it to schools in other countries,  this threat is not so removed from the realm of reality. If Americans are fearful now after this latest incident, imagine how they would feel if the jihadists keep their promise (they kept their other promises so far), and attack not only one school, but multiple schools in a synchronized effort to shut down the American way of life, in hopes of striking fear into the hearts of the people. They have also threatened churches, synagogues, stadiums, and malls. It should be noted, that the experts believe in regards to these attacks that it is not if, but when. How would the knee jerk pseudo politicians feel then if they got their wish and effectively disarmed the people, limiting the tools available to American citizens to fight evil people hell bent on destroying our children, and then an assault of this type occurred?

One immediate solution is to allow trained CCW holders to enter the school ground armed. If they can be trusted around children when in the general public, why does that suddenly change when they enter a school zone? It has been proven, that the quicker the response, the quicker the killing stops and lives are spared. These teachers and parents could end up being the first line of defense against an active shooter, which is a known factor in limiting the loss of life.

 In retrospect, I often wonder how Bill Clinton feels about his gun free zones aka the killing fields now.

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