Wednesday, December 19, 2012

'Rain man' Appointed to Lead New Gun Policies Panel

Rabid anti-gun proponent Joe 'rainman' Biden has been appointed to head up the new gun policy panel, and will give his recommendations to the other anti-gun guy in charge who wields executive orders like they are going out of style, and who knows absolutely nothing about stopping gun violence, because if he did, his hometown of Chicago would not be a shooting gallery nightly. Gun Shy is convinced that these recommendations have been decided on a long time ago under the radar, and the powers to be have just been waiting for the right tragedy to exploit in order to present them. To get a view of Joe Biden's views on private citizens owning firearms, you can read this and then watch this video.

To get an overview of how well Joe Biden will perform in this newly appointed position, click below and watch this video.

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