Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Gun Shy Moment

It is no secret that Gun Shy detests rapists and pedophiles. Why you may ask? Because they get joy from exerting violent control over someone who can not defend themselves. If Gun Shy had his way, all rape encounters would end something like this. For those of you who think this is cruel, Gun Shy believes that a woman who is battered sexually, and has to live with those feelings of violation for the rest of her life, is a far more cruel situation than the demise of someone who willfully chose to cross the line and was neutralized by the victim (or someone coming to her aid) so that they couldn't go on to harm others.

Gun Shy believes that the rights of the innocent victim out weighs the rights of the evil assailant. For those of you who agree, please enjoy this bonus footage, as well as this additional double bonus footage.

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