Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Clowns Have Officially Entered the Center Ring

Holder Revives Talk Of An Assault Weapons Ban
Responding to a reporter's question on weapons' regulations, Holder said, "Well, as President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons. I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."

It is almost like Gun Shy has a crystal ball:

Here is quote from another news source:

At a press conference announcing the arrests, Holder also suggested that re-instituting a U.S. ban on the sale of assault weapons would help reduce the bloodshed in Mexico, where last year 6,000 people were killed in drug-related violence. U.S. officials have a responsibility to make sure Mexican police “are not fighting substantial numbers of weapons, or fighting against AK-47’s or other similar kinds of weapons that have been flowing to Mexico,” Holder said.

Mr Holder must be a bit confused in relation to his geography. First of all, AK-47's come from the East Bloc (Russia, Bulgaria, etc) and China. The Middle East is saturated with AK-47's, as they are the weapon of choice for rogue armies. Mexico doesn't need the U.S. to get AK-47's. The Mexican cartels have a great relationship with terrorists organizations, and it is known that for a price, the cartels will smuggle Middle Easterners into the U.S.

When I read statements like the ones above, it appears to me that the talking heads just don't get it. Violent people are violent no matter what weapon is available. If there were no rifles, they would use machetes. Millions have been killed with machetes throughout the world. It should be noted, that 75% of the violence that occurs in the U.S. does not involve a firearm. The new administration needs to focus on the real problems, and quit bandying about the term assault weapons in their attempt to try and put fear in the hearts of Joe Q public who doesn't know the difference. A scoped hunting rifle is far more of a threat than a semi automatic rifle that only looks identical, but does not function the same as a fully automatic AK-47 which actually does qualifies as an assault rifle. It might behoove Mr Holder to view this video, and then he needs to study up on the issues, and learn the hardware and what each rifle is capable of. If the Obama administration does a gun grab, can Mr Obama promise us that the U.S. will now be as safe as Chicago during his time spent in the Illinois Senate? I would advise the readers do the research on the crime statistics for Chicago and get back to me.

Any of the readers who are unclear about what is fact vs what is fake/fear and agenda driven should read the document about gun facts found here to get informed.

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