Driving this type of vehicle is the only way to guarantee it, and with the most recent carjacking and shooting, it appears that the “jackers” are getting even bolder. A nice ancillary benefit of owning this type of vehicle is that you can make ATM deposits and withdrawals anytime of day or night in any area, without any concern about fighting off an attacker, or worse yet, being robbed at gunpoint and murdered. This is probably not the style of vehicle that carjackers would be interested in anyway. One would have to be extremely creative in order to pimp out this ride, and the after market parts would be quite costly I assume. Here is a list of the ten most stolen vehicles in Florida.
1. 1990 Toyota Camry
2. 1994 Honda Accord
3. 2000 Honda Civic
4. 1994 Dodge Caravan
5. 1997 Ford F150 Series
6. 1995 Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee
7. 1996 Ford Taurus
8. 2003 Dodge Ram Pickup
9. 1991 Chevrolet Caprice
10. 2003 Toyota Corolla
If you own any of the above listed vehicles, it might now be a necessary in Orlando to drive with a loaded firearm in condition one (aka cocked,locked, and ready to rock) holstered on your chest area for quick access, in order to defend your property on short notice. If you position your weapon draw ergonomically for ease of access when driving or stopped at a traffic light, it will put you in a position tactically so that you can present your legal weapon quicker than the Orlando Insurgent can present their stolen illegal firearm. Using this technique, you should be able to get a few rounds off within seconds to avoid getting shot through your door as this man did when he resisted the Domestic Urban Terrorist who felt that he had the right to commandeer the victims vehicle while attempting to use deadly force against the unarmed man.
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