Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They Stole the OPD Police Chief's Gun

Orlando Police Chief's Gun Stolen

The incident took place nearly one month ago but Eyewitness News has just learned that Orlando Police Chief Val Demings' gun was stolen. Chief Demings says a burglar stole her service weapon. Demings says the gun was taken out of her city vehicle that was parked outside her home in February.

You can also read more about it here. The video can be viewed here.

Well, criminals are getting bolder these days in O-Town it seems. Gun Shy believes that all weapons should be treated like a small child, meaning they shouldn’t be left alone in a vehicle unattended. If you secure it in the trunk of the vehicle, all a thief needs is a pry bar to gain access. I wrote about this in an earlier commentary found here. Below is a quote from that commentary:

Maybe the departments need to have an additional alarm on the vehicle/weapon(s) that is tied to a beeper system so that the officer is alerted if there is a breach of the vehicle, and use an implanted GPS device to track the weapon's location once it is stolen.

Now let’s take this situation and examine it a bit further to illustrate a point. According to Mr. Obama, guns are the problem, and if we can eliminate them the violence in America would decrease. It seems that Mr. Obama is concerned that the guns possessed by law abiding citizens could fall into the hands of criminals and be used to perpetrate a crime. I guess that would now beg the question of how do we handle the situation that happened with Orlando Police Department Chief Val Demings firearm? Should we now disarm law enforcement because there is a chance that their weapons could (and did) fall into the hands of criminals? I am pointing this out, because it is my understanding that the Demings supported Barack Obama for President. For me, this is not a racial issue, or even a partisan issue, it is simply a constitutional issue. The constitution affords rights to law abiding citizens, and one of those is the right to bear arms. Mr. Obama would like to usurp those rights, therefore in my opinion, if someone supports Mr. Obama, then by default, they are against the constitutional rights of American citizens. I discussed this in an earlier commentary. Here is a quote :

If the logic that Mr. Obama is using, is that he must disarm the law abiding public, because those guns have the possibility of being stolen by criminals and then be used to perpetrate crimes, then based on that logic, he should also disarm Law Enforcement, because criminals often break into Police vehicles and steal weapons as I discussed in this earlier commentary. In order for his logic to be consistent on all levels, then Mr. Obama should also disarm our military, because thieves steal weapons from armories, and in the final progression, then I guess it would also be prudent to disarm those who protect him and his family around the clock, because there is a possibility that those weapons could also be stolen and end up in the wrong hands as well. When you analyze this critically, you will realize that twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year for the rest of his life, Mr Obama will have the best Executive protection for him and his family that money can buy...taxpayers money that is. And ironically, these are the very same taxpayers who afford him protection that he and his associates would like to disarm, eliminating their right to protect themselves and their families.

It should also be noted, that in an earlier commentary, I informed the readers that American citizens, have no right to personal protection by law enforcement, and should not expect it.

My two final points are these. First of all, Chief Demings did not give her gun to a criminal or forget it in a public place where it fell into the wrong hands. It was stolen from her vehicle by a criminal. My second point, is that If law enforcement can not stop criminals from stealing their own personal property, why would any citizen expect that law enforcement could personally protect theirs. For the record, Gun Shy is pro law enforcement, but this is the reality of the matter. Your personal protection begins with you, and if Mr. Obama has his way, he would like to eliminate that right from the law abiding citizenry of this nation.

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