Thursday, September 10, 2009

Representatives Need to Grow a Pair and Stand Behind What They Believe

Congressman Apologizes For 'You Lie' Outburst

Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled "you lie" when President Barack Obama said his health care plan would not insure illegal immigrants.

It appears that “Joe Knows”, so I am not sure what he is apologizing for. Mr Obama clearly has been lying all along. Nothing new to report there. All we need now is some politicians who have the guts to stand up and shout it out, and not apologize even if it means losing their comfortable job, and then that might catch on and start a movement if there is unity.

Obama has accepted Wilson's apology. However, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says he'll work with GOP lawmakers to decide if Wilson should be punished for the remark.

Of course Mr Obama has accepted his apology publicly. We can not be sure what is going on behind the scenes however. Now the majority leader wants to stifle Joe Wilson’s first amendment rights. It is time the American people pushed for prosecution of anyone who exhibits actions that attempt to stifle rights afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I am sure that you wouldn’t have to look very hard to find some that are even guilty of treason.

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