Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Uncle Jimbo Has an Interesting Commentary...

...that you can find here:

Blood money paid for release of CIA operative


So now we have subjugated US and international laws and treaties to the religious extremism contained in sharia law. WOW! What an absolutely insane precedent to set...

...So well done Barry, you undermined the safety of every diplomat from every country in the world. You submitted the United States and by example the entire international community to the religious dictates of Islam. And you have shown that America is damn sure not the strong horse. Nice.

Let me state for the record, that Gun Shy is not remotely surprised. Why you ask? Click here for the answer.

Click here
to watch an interesting debate with America's confessedly Christian president.

Let me state that I having nothing against Mr Obama personally, it is just that he is as full of crap as a thanksgiving turkey. He needs to quit saying that he is transparent when he clearly is not, he needs to quit saying that he is for the second amendment, when his actions demonstrate that he is not, and he needs to quit saying he is Christian when his actions clearly demonstrate that he is not. He might take a little advice from the Christian Bible that he claims to follow next time he is confessing that there is no god but allah.

Matthew 6
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

They above passage tells the reader that you can not serve God and anything else, which in this passage is wealth. If Mr Obama is a Christian, the standard outlined in the Christian Bible, is either Jesus or he is following another god. The same goes for Islam as they believe it is either allah or you are an infidel, but of course if you confess another god in Islam, the penalty is a bit more harsh.

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