Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Terrorists might be among us

No kidding...WOW...what a surprise...or maybe not. This is old news for Gun Shy, but if you want to read the article by the above title, click here.


They could be the people on the bus seat across the aisle, or the neighbors: members of East African groups that a recently released government memorandum says are “ready to die for the cause.”

The good news, is that in Texas, there are plenty of patriotic America loving armed citizens who would be happy to help them reach their goal of dying for their cause.The terrorists might have better luck, if they go to New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, or other liberal gun anal states where the politicians disregarded the right to keep and bear arms, and have disarmed the law abiding citizens. As some of the readers may be aware, we have a long history with somali terrorists.

There is really no need to smuggle these terrorists into America, because our own government agencies are doing a great job of bringing them in already at the taxpayers expense.

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