Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Demings Duo Give Citizen Self Defense Their Approval

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings and his wife Val, who is the head of the Orlando Police Department, made a statement today in the media that they have no problem with citizens defending themselves. Now if we can get the Mayor of Orlando, as well as the Mayor of Orange County to acknowledge the local citizens who risk their own personal safety to defend the innocent, we will be on our way to becoming a safer community. Let it be stated for the record that Gun Shy is in full agreement that vigilantism is not a good concept, and if people are going to use their firearm to protect themselves or the lives of others, they should be certain that they are well qualified to do so. A person with a firearm that does not have a good understanding of the weapon, its application, and the consequences of discharging it, could create a dangerous situation for other innocent citizens. GST recommends that anyone who would attempt to use a firearm for defense train extensively and be certain of their ability before attempting to engage an assailant.

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