Saturday, January 24, 2009

Orlando Insurgents Doing Their Part?

Are the Orlando Insurgents (Domestic Urban Terrorists) doing their part to help stimulate the failing economy? Let’s take a closer look and see. When a criminal steals someone's possessions, the person is then forced to replace them whether they can really afford to or not, which increases spending. Criminals also tend to make citizens fearful, so the general public then rushes out to buy firearms and amass large quantities of ammunition hoping to protect themselves, which also increases spending which puts cash back into the economy. With all of the new criminals being incarcerated these days, jail over crowding is becoming more of a problem, which forces prison building projects that create jobs and spending, as well as more hiring of prison guards and additional law enforcement which stimulates the economy by creating these new jobs. And lastly, when a thug gets wounded while perpetrating a robbery (on the wrong person), he gets free medical care which is paid for by taxpayer dollars, creating work for those in health care, which also stimulates the economy. If the perpetrator is fatally wounded during the exchange, the undertaker welcomes the taxpayer funded burial. So you see, although crime is bad for the hard working law abiding tax paying victim, in the end it is actually "good" for the economy. (You aren't really buying this slop are you?) I just hope that no politician reads this insane twisted reasoning, because we might see it being talked about on next weeks evening news by one of them that the rapidly rising crime is some kind of a positive indicator that the economy is on the upswing.

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