Monday, April 26, 2010

Hey Aahnold…I have a Solution to Your Budget Crisis…

..because if you can’t get this fixed pronto, you definitely “won’t be back”.

Ok…here it is. California has a major problem with armed Mexican illegals taking over state land to grow huge crops of high grade marijuana. What you need to do, is mobilize some of our spec ops guys, and arrest or “terminate” the narco terrorists if they are stupid enough to engage our troops. Then, seize the crop (it will be tons state wide) and sell it to all of the old hippies (now politicians. presidents, and lawyers) in San Francisco and throughout California and the nation. In a few short years, the deficit will be paid down, and you will for once in your career be a real hero, because thus far the only thing you have terminated is the hopes and dreams of Californians, along with their state.

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