Saturday, July 3, 2010

How the Chinese View Our Second Amendment Freedoms

How Guns Are Sold In American Wal-Marts, Chinese Reactions

Look at these comments from the article:

"I’d like to ask the lou zhu a question. It may be very naive but please be so kind as to give me an answer. Since guns are sold like this in America, is their government not afraid of social problems? Right now in Shanghai, the supermarkets selling cooking knives have also locked them inside glass display cases like this."

"I think the American Constitution has a part that says the citizens have the right to overthrow an authoritarian government…it is what I have heard, not sure if it is true or not. But in China, that is not possible, and the key is that the character of the people [on average] is not there yet. If firearms were available for sale in China, then we’d probably have to wear bullet-proof vests in order to go out."

"Only with citizens who have high restraint and a society with relatively few injustices would [a country] dare be like this."

"America is a country that was built up from the first shot of the Battle of Lexington. And the biggest reason they were victorious at the time was because the ordinary people had guns."

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