Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Crux of the Matter

A quote from here :

What bothers me more is that while we do have real enemies on the ground the continual erosion of civil rights and liberties due to the encroaching police state makes my service a mockery.

And this is the problem. While our enemies are plotting every minute to disrupt our way of life, and destroy all that generations of immigrants from every nation have worked hard to build, Holder, Obama, and their associates are staying up late at night figuring out ways to give murderous enemy combatants a trial in New York City with court appointed lawyers and all the rights of Americans. While police agencies are setting up check points in American cites at bridges and elsewhere, and grandma has to take her shoes off while the TSA molests American citizens, the bleeding hearts are racking their brains figuring out how to be a kinder gentler nation to those who seek to do us harm.

There is a much simpler solution. The groups who support terrorists in this nation need to be shut down with their assets seized, and then deported. If they have been given citizenship it needs to be revoked and they need to be sent packing. If they are caught attacking on American soil, they need to be neutralized without hesitation, and then shown on the six o’clock news for all to see. These people only respect strength and abhor weakness. American needs to ditch the political correctness, allow all law abiding Americans to carry concealed in ALL states, and then kick it up a few notches if we are planning to survive. We don’t need any more laws that encroach on the personal freedoms of Americans. We need to start hitting harder sooner, and grow a set once again like the generation of Americans during WW2 had.

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