Saturday, March 3, 2012

What If???

Click here to find out the reality of 'what if'.

1 comment:

ocopek said...

You know what's wrong with our government? It's republicans and democrats. Any congressman with a good idea is automatically shot down by the opposing party members. Any congressman with a stupid idea is automatically supported by his fellow party members.
Why do people only adopt one of two political parties and agree with anyone identified with their party? I think this has a lot to do with the mentality of picking a sports team. Too many people see themselves as part of something they aren't, but they like the feeling when their chosen team or party is on top.
Don't be a follower. Look at the issues and the values of each politician. It is tough to learn about someone and choose, but if we did that then maybe some day we would be rid of the partisan politics that have turned us into two warring camps bent on winning at the expense of America's future.
You said it before, "the only difference between Democrats and Republicans, is what they do with your money after they steal it".