Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Deputies Collide Chasing Robbery Suspects

here is the link for the article.

I will once again reiterate my position by quoting some excerpts from my earlier commentaries:

Nothing says halt with more authority than a large caliber round through an engine block.

Maybe we could substitute an accurately placed round through the engine block delivered from the new Beowulf System which the OCSO has recently acquired to stop the assailant from fleeing the crime scene and endangering innocent lives as well as the lives of our Law Enforcement Officers. When you analyze the situation logically, a 4000 pound vehicle traveling recklessly down the highway at 100+ mph per hour or speeding through residential neighborhoods driven by a person trying to escape arrest who has no concern for the well being of others, is far more dangerous to the safety of the general public than one accurately placed round delivered by a police marksman. Another ancillary benefit is the money saved in fuel when you will not need to send up the pursuit helicopter.


As I have stated in an earlier article, a maniac wheeling a 4000 plus pound vehicle through a neighborhood at over 100 miles per hour recklessly, is far more dangerous than a Police sniper switching off his engine with an accurately place round before he gets rolling. At that time, if the assailant wants to get out of the disabled vehicle and attempt to engage Law Enforcement with force, then round number two will already be chambered. I am of the opinion that a law enforcement sniper with a spotter, is a much safer way to apprehend a dangerous armed suspect who has a history of fleeing apprehension than a high speed chase. This will eliminate future Law Enforcement vehicles being rammed, as well as the injuries to officers, and the potential injuries to citizens.

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