Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Police: Homeowner Shoots Would-Be Burglar


Collins then allegedly pried the back door open with a crow bar. What he didn't know was the homeowner, who worked as a security guard, was home with his two small children.

Police say during the incident Collins tried to hit the homeowner, who was armed with a loaded gun. The homeowner fired at Collins, hitting him once in the arm and again in the head.

You can read the entire article here.

There are some who would say that when a robber breaks into your house, that you should just let them take your stuff. Gun Shy doesn't agree and here is why. There are some who would say that they are not really bad people, but this is just their way to cry out for help, and it is really not the fault of the poor violent offenders that they do these troubling things. After all, times are tough, and they have some other issues to contend with. Well, Gun Shy has an opinion on this as well. When an assailant forcibly enters your dwelling that you have worked to pay for to steal belongings that they have no right to while threatening to do harm you and your family, they are doing these things because they have made a choice, AND also because their bodies are actually deficient in a specific mineral. The only solution for this problem is if the law abiding citizens help to supplement their diet liberally with the mineral that they are lacking....which is lead.

To all violent assailants who would think to do evil to law abiding citizens:

It is time to review the Castle Doctrine, paying special attention to the Stand Your Ground clause, or even better yet, change your lifestyle before the last thing you see is this.

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