Thursday, March 5, 2009

Saved by a Gun…Imagine That

Murder Suspect Killed After Attack On Judge
Paradiso approached San Joaquin County Judge Cinda Fox from behind and attacked her during a break in the trial Wednesday, witnesses said. An officer shot and killed him in the courtroom.

This news article proves my point. Violent people are violent people…period. A violent person will use what ever means necessary to perpetrate their bad behavior, and a firearm is not needed for them to do so. The attacker who was shot a killed by the courtroom guard had already murdered his 20 year old girlfriend, which he used a knife to do (not a firearm) and then he went on to attack the female judge while in the courtroom on trial. I guess he had a problem with women. He ended up having a much bigger problem thanks to the quick actions of the guard. I wonder how top ten anti-gun California legislator Nancy Pelosi will view this incident, as well as the Obama camp. Will they admit that a firearm actually saved the life of the judge? I hope the media interviews them all.

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