Monday, March 30, 2009

Gun Shy Was Wrong...

In an earlier report chastising the media that constantly sensationalizes every firearms incident while having no understanding of weaponry, Gun Shy stated this:

In the final analysis, it appears that the shooter didn't use his "arsenal" of weapons, and may have possibly shot all of his victims with a common "hand gun", or an "assault rifle" that fires one shot at a time, making it clearly not an assault rifle.

According to today's latest report, it is questionable if the shooter even used a rifle. This is what was reported today.

It appears that the girlfriend and her son were shot with a 9mm pistol, and the shooter took his own life using a .357 pistol. They have not reported what caliber the round was that sent shrapnel into the officers face, but Gun Shy has a hunch. The Brady Bunch will skip right over the facts, and talk about the "arsenal of assault weapons", and how the shooter was armed and ready to do battle.

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