Sunday, December 14, 2008

Call 911 and die?

I was curiously researching a book titled Call 911 and Die.

Of course as with all books there is always a certain amount of sensationalism created in order to sell the product, so you need to review any book that claims to be reporting the facts using discernment. I agree that there are variables from county to county and state to state in regards to the level of law enforcement efficiency in an area. There are also variables between 911 operators, their call systems, and their personal level of competence/incompetence to put it together and forward it to the correct responders, as evidenced by this incident that occurred in Plantation Florida. You can hear the 911 call here and read the transcript of the call here.

If someone is trying to kick in your front door, Gun Shy believes that you should call 911, after you have you readied your weapon(s) for the perpetrators eventual entry into your dwelling. Make sure that you inform the 911 operator that you are armed, so that information can be passed on to the officers who will eventually arrive on the scene because their job is dangerous enough without receiving friendly fire. As stated in an earlier entry that I wrote, Law Enforcement has no obligation to personally defend anyone, and they do the best they can with the resources they have available. In multiple studies by Professor Gary Kleck (Florida State University) it has been determined that defending oneself and family with a firearm is significantly more effective in deterring crime and preventing personal injury than any other action, including submitting to the assailant.

Some other interesting reading:

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