Monday, December 8, 2008

Tis the season for a drive by...

Man Hit In Neighborhood Shootout- Victim's Friend Returned Fire On SUV, Deputies Say
The Video

So now we have shooters carelessly discharging rounds in residential neighborhoods in low crime areas, which should be making people wonder how safe they are in their urban dwelling. With all of the heavy enforcement targeting crime ridden neighborhoods, it appears that it is pushing the violent offenders into out lying lower crime areas. Last week a man was robbed at gunpoint and shot right up the street at the Marriot Hotel. A short time before that there was a shooting at UCF housing.

With all of the shootings on the news every night, it is starting to make ol' Gun Shy think that he may need to shift defensively to the two pistol threat assessment level.

It is time for Americans to JUST SAY NO to Domestic Urban Terrorists.

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