Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let Their Level of Conditioning and Ability Reflect Their Pay

Sheriff Upset Firefighters Get Paid More Than Deputies


MARION COUNTY, Fla. -- Marion County’s sheriff is upset firefighters get paid more than his deputies. The highest paid deputy makes $67,000 a year, but the highest paid firefighter makes $132,000. Even though they both make more than most employees of private businesses, the sheriff wants his deputies to get raises.

I have a good friend in California who was a high level firefighter before he sustained an injury. The guy is in his fifties and is still in top shape. I can only imagine the level of performance he operated at when he was on duty. He is also an extremely focused individual. I have known other firefighters as well, and this seems to be the standard for the most part.

Based on my personal experience, Gun Shy has developed an idea. Since career firemen are usually in fairly good shape, let’s establish a new standard for pay so that neither department feels that they are being treated unfairly. Since one needs to be in top shape to be a fireman, soldier, or a policeman in order to protect and serve at the high standard the job demands, why not let the level of ones physical conditioning be reflective of the pay scale. As we all know, self discipline is a key element for success, and if someone is excessively overweight, then isn’t that a sign of the lack of self discipline? And while we are discussing this, I have observed a cross section of LE at the shooting range recently. I was extremely disappointed with the lack of accuracy in delivering rounds on a stationary target at fairly close distances. I will admit that some agencies have specialty teams (SWAT) that are exceptional soldiers, as well as some detectives, but in the overall evaluation it was very disappointing. Now if the readers could, please remind me why I would call a poorly conditioned, overweight officer that can’t run or shoot accurately to take care of a critical situation in my neighborhood? I believe that you get my point.

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