Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Babble From the Clinton Cave

Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter


WASHINGTON (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton warned of a slippery slope from angry anti-government rhetoric to violence like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, saying "the words we use really do matter."..

...He also alluded to the anti-government tea party movement, which held protests in several states Thursday. At the Washington rally, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota railed against "gangster government." "By all means keep fighting, by all means, keep arguing," he said. "But remember, words have consequences as much as actions do..."

I am glad you mentioned that Bill. I wonder if you and Janet Reno ever think about the children who died at Waco? I can't believe that people pay huge sums of money to hear you and Hillary speak. There are others who have also noticed what hypocrites and buffoons Slick Willie and his lovely wife are.

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