Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Knee Jerk From New York...

...and Pennslyvania. Why is it, that the same cast of clowns are always proposing disarming Americans.

Schumer Pushes for Military to Report Applicants' Drug Use to Prevent Gun Purchases


Schumer said if military recruiters or other officials report admissions of drug use to a national database, those individuals could be denied a gun.

Translated, that means if someone had made a mistake in their youth and experimented with an illegal drug, that thirty years later when they were a productive law abiding citizen, they would be denied the right to own a firearm for personal protection. That would then preclude former president Bill Clinton and current president Barack Obama and most of his administration from ever owning a firearm by their own admission. Great idea Chucky.

The issue of limiting Second Amendment rights has exploded in the wake of the Arizona shooting as lawmakers and officials discuss whether increased curbs should be put on gun ownership.

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said Sunday that a citizen protecting his home or hunting doesn't need a gun with 33 bullets per clip.

"I think the nation's spirits would be lifted if the Congress acted quickly with the president and reinstated the assault weapons ban which also had the ban on these large magazines, these clips that carried 30-plus bullets," he said.

Hey Ed...why don't you focus on the massive violent crime problem you have in Philadelphia, before you try to "fix" the rest of America.

Since the gun banners are into speculating on what could have happened, let me take the liberty to do so as well. If all of the law abiding citizens had been armed, the beautiful little nine year old girl might still be alive, and Loughner would have been shot dead before he got on a roll.

Some bonus reading here.

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