Sunday, January 30, 2011

The 'tacticool" Trend is Sweeping the Nation

Occasionally, Gun Shy frequents gun stores when traveling. Every once in a while, you can find a good deal on a firearm depending on what region of the country you are in. Of course, when you visit a store that is attempting to be tacticool, you run into some extremely interesting gun owners, because there is a certain obsession these days with the general public having to own everything tactical even if they will never have a need for it in their job selling shoes at the local mall or working in the food court. As I wrote in an earlier commentary, if I never hear the term tactical again, it will be too soon.

I find this new trend to be almost as annoying as going into music stores no matter where you are in the country, and hearing some guy torturing a guitar at a high decibel level through a 100 watt Marshall double stack as he butchers Smoke on the Water or Stairway to Heaven beyond recognition.

Lately, I have noticed the trend towards what are known as Jedi Guns. These are black rifles with every possible ancillary device hanging off the rails, to the point where someone would need biceps like Popeye to even get the muzzle to move in an upward motion due to the excessive swing weight they have accrued. When you talk to these Jedi Gun owners, I am amazed at all of the disinformation that they have gathered from gun forums, which in turn suckered them into spending countless thousands on a rifle that they could have built for a third of the price that would have been more practical for their needs. Often times I will ask a question about why they need a huge bazillion lumen light on their rifle that is bright enough to illuminate an airstrip, and that is usually when they start to blather on about killing the zombies. Of course, this is when my eyes immediately start to get glassy, because in reality these are the only Zombies that I am remotely interested in. Below are some links to videos that pretty much sum it up. I am sure many of the experienced readers will find them funny and get all of the the inside humor. There is a bit of harsh language, but the comedy value far outweighs the damage that you will suffer to your virgin ears.

Click here for a good laugh.

Click here for even more laughs.

Click here if you haven't had enough yet.

Still more you say?

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