Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rep Giffords Shot in Head by Tea Partier...

No wait...I am sorry...that is the falsehood that the main stream media tried to spin initially. Here is the real story:

AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto

So much for that liberal media myth. They also reported that he was a war vet from the Afghanistan conflict...he wasn't, and now the real vets are demanding an apology. Can the main stream media get anything correct these days? Here is another possible angle for the attack:

Hitler Lover Loughner Targeted First Jewish Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords

Of course, the brady bunch wasted no time chasing the ambulances.

Too bad the Brady Campaign couldn't come up with a PSA like this one. Keeping with the style of their press releases, it wouldn't be factual, but at least it would be entertaining.

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