Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Holder of Nothing

At one point Gun Shy was thinking about shutting down the blog, because quite frankly, I often times believe that I am preaching to the choir. What has given me the incentive to hang on, is the fact that Eric Holder may be found complicit in the Gunrunner scandal, and may be dismissed or even better yet indited, and I really want to report on that. And who knows, the investigation may go far enough upstream, and we may even find out that Obie not only knew, but approved of the gunrunner operation as well, and was hoping to use the violence that it created in Mexico as a reason to implement more gun control in America.

Holder is downright dangerous for America in my opinion, and below is just another example of his 'leadership' at the helm of the DOJ.

Freeing Al Qaeda? DOJ Moves to Cut Prison Term for Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist

1 comment:

ocopek said...

I'm looking forward to your report on that, but I doubt it will ever happen while this administration is covering their own trail.