Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Guess Garry Doesn't Get Out Much...

...nor does he care about the statistics.

Chicago’s top cop: ‘Federal gun laws are racist’

Garry, like most of the gun control mouthpieces really don't care about the facts. They mostly try to invoke an emotional response based on errant statements meant to incite. He is trying to use his perceived credibility as a law enforcement officer to establish himself as an expert, which he obviously is not.

Gun Shy has shot around a lot of law enforcement officers over the years, and have watched departments train as well as qualify at the range. The sad reality, is that many of them are not very well qualified with their weapon. By qualified, I mean having the ability to effectively use their weapon in a high stress combat situation. I say this, because if you can't punch paper when there is no pressure, you performance degrades greatly once the adrenaline dump occurs, especially when there is a moving target returning fire involved. This is not to say that many of the SWAT officers and detectives are not good with their weapons, but I do see a certain carefree attitude among the younger generation of LE when it comes to solid weapons proficiency, enough so, that if I were in a high threat situation, they would probably be the last people I would call. Keep in mind, that this is not an indictment of all LE, but I do see a trend that is steadily increasing.

Below is the quote of the day on the topic:

With flash mobs pushing innocent bikers into the lake just for fun, Chicago seems like A Clockwork Orange with morons in charge.

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